178 examples of teamster in sentences

On the hearth were several thick cups filled with herbs and heavy fluids and covered with tarpaulin, for Becky's "man" was a teamster.

It was Dave Day, the teamster, in the kitchen door, and his face looked blacker than his beard.

she said, simply, as though hurt, and then with a dignity that surprised her, the teamster turned and strode towards the back door.

The animal, of course, throws up its head, and the stupid teamster, as a general thing, drives the mule away from the water with his thirst about half satisfied.

This excites the teamster, and, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, he will beat and punish the animal cruelly, expecting thereby to cure him of the trouble.

When they are purchased for army use, they are almost sure to be put into a train, and turned over to the tender mercies of some teamster, who knows nothing whatever about the character of the animal.

But a teamster in the army has none of these questions put to him.

And what is worse, the teamster invariably seeks to remedy this by beating them.

Aside from the creased neck, mules' necks are nearly all alike in shape, They indeed vary as little in neck as they do in feet; and what I say on the collar will apply to them all, The teamster has always the means in his own hands of remedying a bad fitting collar.

Now, about the time the first teamster gets his wheel locked, the one in the rear of him is dismounting for the same purpose.

When the teamster driving the second team gets ready to lock, the first, or head team, starts up.

Then the Prince Bishop saw the rude teamster rise from his rest on the bank and cry to his cattle, and the oxen strained against the beam and the thick ropes tightened, and the huge block of stone was once more set in motion.

The animal had, to use the teamster's phrase, been snagged, and was obliged to be shot.

Mr. Harry Thompson, of Black Rock, N.Y., writes me that he duly forwarded, by a careful teamster, my three lost boxes of minerals, shells, &c., collected in the Wabash Valley, Missouri, and Illinois, in 1821, and that they were received by Mr. Meech of Geneva, and forwarded by him to E.B. Shearman & Co., Utica.

The teamster imperturbably finished his unloading, two men meanwhile piling the goods aboard.

My two brothers also went with this command, one as teamster, the other shouldering the spare rifle.

"Parson" Williams, serving the Union forces as a teamster, hauled munitions and supplies for General Grant's army, at Gettysburg.

Since the Civil War he has made extra money for his support during depression times by doing odd jobs of whitewashing, serving as a porter or janitor, cutting wood, hauling and running errands, also serving as a teamster, picking berries and working as a laborer.

When his term of service expired, he was discharged, and sought employment in the quartermaster's department, as a teamster.

In a few months he was ignominiously discharged from the service, and, at the close of the war, he came to Texas, and sought and obtained employment as teamster in the train then organizing for El Paso.

On the morning after the occurrence at the wagon, a teamster came to me and said, in a hasty and abrupt manner, 'Doctor, Mc will kill you to-day or to-night.

" Unhindered, the teamster, and then the coachman, turned and drove.

No work for the next man, a chauffeur, or the next, a brass worker; the next, a teamster; the next, a bank clerk; the next, a doorkeeper of a Government office; whilst the wives of those who still had work were buying in the only market they had.

"I'm short a teamster, and I'll give you the chance to make good.

After noon mess a teamster drove up with a big wagon.

178 examples of  teamster  in sentences