87 examples of tearless in sentences

She withdrew from her kind support after a moment, with eyes tearless and shining, the color mounting to her face, and not a sign of discouragement in her, nor yet of sentiment, though she grasped her kind friend's hands with a pressure which her innocent small fingers seemed incapable of giving.

" Olympia eagerly assentedanything was preferable to this mute misery of her mother and Merry's sepulchral struggles to be conversational and tearless.

She dared not look in the tearless eyes of her mother.

She lost all sense of weariness and pain, And with hot tearless eyes still hurried on, Bearing the child girt by its cruel chain, All thought save of her cherish'd burden gone, Fearful alone lest other eyes should guess The feeble thing her longing arms did press.

And she remained tearless; fury dried her tears within her.

There she sat upright, motionless, tearless, without any of the alleviating weaknesses of a less withering grief, her mild countenance exposed to the light of the lamp, and her eyes riveted on the face of the dead.

The hitherto proud, tearless woman of the world wept a flood when unconsciously, innocently, Catherine spoke of the lost Herbert.

Suddenly the old lawyer's face broke into the hard, tearless contortions of the aged.

She sat down and leaned her head on her hands in a tearless, confused sorrow.

" Elder Williams reached the house first, Hannah met him on the threshold, tearless.

" At these words a look of horror and anguish passed over the face of Le Croix, and he turned to Camilla, but she was deadly pale, and trembling like an aspen leaf; but her eyes were dry and tearless.

Before she had gone far in that strange computation, she paused abruptly, with a crimsoned face, and not with tearless eyes.

There they took their last embrace of each otherthe mother tearless, but heart-brokenthe boy with all the wildest manifestations of grief.

At the sound of footsteps he raised his wild, tearless eyes, exclaiming, "My God!

She met his eyes, and then he fled to her, and his body shook with rough, tearless sobs.

Instead of going to school she went straight home, flung herself full-length on the bed, buried her face in the pillow, and shook for a long time with terrible tearless sobs.

And in that hour of mortal strife I thought I felt the throe, The birth-pang of a grief, whose life Must soothe my tearless woe, must soothe And ease me of my woe. Yet folded far through all these years, Folded from mortal eyes, Lying alas "too deep for tears," Unborn, unborn it lies, within My heart of heart it lies.

Oh how glad He will be when the dispensation of suffering is over, and He can gather His beloved round Him, tearless, free from sorrow and care, and all forever at rest.

"You liked her," I say, in a perfectly collected, tearless voice, "did not you?

Exhausted by the earnestness in which he had joined in the solemn service, Herbert now lay with one hand clasped in his mother's, who sat by his side, her head bent over his, and her whole countenance, save when the gaze of her son was turned towards her, expressive of tearless, heart-rending sorrow, struggling for resignation to the will of Him, who called her Herbert to Himself.

On the left side of the dying youth stood Arthur Myrvin, who, from the moment of his arrival at Oakwood, had never once left Herbert's couch, night and day he remained beside him; and near Arthur, but yet closer to her cousin, knelt the orphan, her eyes tearless indeed, but her whole countenance so haggard and wan, that had not all been engrossed in individual suffering, it could not have passed unobserved.

That when we stand with tearless eye And turn the beggar from our door, They still approve us when we sigh, "Ah, had I but one thousand more!" That weakness smoothed the path of sin, In half the slips our youth has known; And whatsoe'er its blame has been,

But cordial words no balm could bring; She sighed, and kept her inward chafe, And seemed to hate the voice of glee Joyless and tearless.

Miranda sank slowly back into her seat, tearless, but shuddering as with an ague fit.

" At last, looking up grave, tearless, and pale, and resuming his reins without apology for having surrendered them, he said, abruptly: "All is so vain!

87 examples of  tearless  in sentences