74 examples of tem in sentences

Pæsh alla Sainta Ba- 1. cujuscunque forisfacturae quis reus sit hoc tempore, et 2. de quel forfait que home out fait en cel tens, et 3. selg.[BN] da quel sfarfatt que om a fatt en que tem, et 1. venire potest ad sanctum:

"No, Sir! ED WEBSTER, the nominee for Congress, and Wet Nurse pro tem.

"Well," he said, "it's mineI guess there's no question of thatI'm the proprietorpro tem," and he tore the envelope open.

At the same moment, suave and respectful, her butler pro tem. presented himself at the doorway: "Luncheon is served, madam.

" The butler pro tem.

On the way he stopped at Bangor and looked at the Tubular Bridge Works, which are thus referred to: "Stopped at Bangor, settled pro tem.

It seems that only two civets happen to appear: Miro (paradoxurus philippinensis Tem.)

Tarsius spectrum, Tem.; in the language of the countrymago.

PIERRE MINARD, President pro tem. of the Legislative Council.

"Hail Nefer-Tem, who comest forth from Ptah-het-ka (Memphis), I have never uttered curses against the king.

"Hail Tem-sep, who comest forth from Tattu, I have not fouled running water.

[Footnote: i.e., I shall be like Horus, the son of Osiris.] and that my face shall look upon the face of the lord Tem."

But perhaps there was some excuse for the professor that day, for he was the president pro tem.

A daily paper tells us that Sir Robert Chalmers is to be "Permanent Under-Secretary of Ireland pro tem."

I had a dragoman in Retimo, a well-to-do merchant, who served for the honor and protection the post gave him, and his house was mine pro tem., and over it, during my stay, floated the flag of the consulate.

What with the Christmas festivities and the customary dawdling, we did not sail till 10 P.M., instead of at 10 A.M., and, to make up for the delay, the commander pro tem.

The period is generally used after abbreviations, and very often to the exclusion of other points; but, as in this case it is not a constant sign of pause, other points may properly follow it, if the words written in full would demand them: as, A. D. for Anno Domini;Pro tem.

she whispered to him, "she was not chairman of the L.S.C.A., but only one small secretary of that vast body, and chairman pro tem.nothing more!of this mere contingent of it, these 'Sisters of Kincaid's Battery.'" Pro tem., nothing more!

He was soon after appointed Surgeon of the State Hospital, and by General Washington, on the discovery of the treachery of Dr. Church, in October, Director-General, pro tem., of the American Hospital Department.

TRAIN, HELEN C. Princess pro tem.

<pb id='534.png' /> TEM

He accordingly resigned his seat as President of the Royal Society, the chair being filled, pro tem, by Davies Gilbert, Esq.

De government petter leave dem to tie on de pattle field, nur do pring tem here to starve.

This was more than they had bargained for, and the uproar pro tem subsided.

Domna, estela marina de las autras plus luzens, la mars nos combat e·l vens; mostra nos via certana; car si·ns vols a bon port traire non tem nau ni governaire ni tempest que·ns destorbelha ni·l sobern de la marina.

74 examples of  tem  in sentences