34 examples of ten-cent in sentences

A. took a ten-cent "scrip" and chopped it in two with his blade.

At six o'clock Fourteenth Street pours up from its basements, down from its lofts, and out from its five-and-ten-cent stores, shows, and arcades, in a great homeward torrenta sweeping torrent that flows full flush to the Subway, the Elevated, and the surface car, and then spreads thinly into the least pretentious of the city's homesthe five flights up, the two rooms rear, and the third floor back.

She boarded a Seventh Avenue street-car, extracting the ten-cent piece from her purse with a great show of well-being, sat back against the carpet-covered, lengthwise seat, her red hands, with the cut forefinger bound in rag, folded over her waist.

I vow I could live and die in that five-and-ten-cent store at Watauga.

Five-cent, ten-cent dolls; dolls with soiled clothes and dolls in a highly indecorous state of nudity; dolls whose ruddy hues of health had been absorbed into their mothers' systems; dolls made of rags, dolls made of carrots, and dolls made of towels; but all dispensing odors of garlic in the common air.

"I've been in his store, in the front part, where the candy isand if you go 'round when he's freezing ice cream, he'll give you a whole ten-cent dish just for turning the freezer; but Pop won't let me stay out of school to do it, and Budd don't freeze Saturdays.

"I found that it saved time not to have to fumble all through a portemonnaie for a ten-cent piece.

From this primitive experience, sensational literature, and five and ten-cent illustrated descriptions of the adventures of "Bill, the Plunger," and "Jack, the Indian Slayer," completed the education, until the boy, or young man, as the case may be, determines that the hour has arrived for him to cast away childish things and become a genuine bad man of the West.

One is Federal grand jury and the other is ten-cent magazine.

You will find the pictures of the most beautiful women in the world right here in the ads of a ten-cent magazine.

Thus the postmasters of New York and St. Louis charged one dollar for nine ten-cent or eighteen five-cent stamps.

It is keeping itself on the one hand in touch with the popular literature of public criticism in those new and curious organs of public thought, the ten-cent magazines; and on the other it is making a constantly more solid basis of common understanding upon which the newer generation of plutocrats may meet.

"This afternoon a poor woman, whose history I have known for some time, and who has a sick husband over eighty years of age, called on me, stating that she had only a ten-cent loaf of bread for herself and her husband to eat since Wednesday, and to-day is Saturday.

"'Well, sir,' says I, 'when your work is done, an' your kitchen cleaned up, an' your lamp lit, a lord or a duke is jus' tip-top to read about, if the type aint too fine an' the paper mean beside, which it often is in the ten-cent books; but, further than this, I must say, we aint got no use for 'em.'

Science experiences with ten-cent store equipment.

Science experiences with ten-cent store equipment.

I confess I ran out a line of those pigs' liver pâtés myself, but I didn't do it because I was such a patriot that I couldn't stand seeing the American flag insulted by a lot of Frenchmen getting a dollar for a ten-cent article, and that simply because geese have smaller livers than pigs.

The joyful keys and the cheerful ten-cent coins lay in his pocket with no loving hand to rattle them.

Sarved him right, dancin' roun' like a rang-a-tang, and jos'lin' his keys and ten-cent pieces in his pocket, and sayin' imperdent things.

However, amounts less than one dollar may be saved for deposit by purchasing a ten-cent postal savings card and affixing ten-cent postal savings stamps until the nine blank spaces are filled.

However, amounts less than one dollar may be saved for deposit by purchasing a ten-cent postal savings card and affixing ten-cent postal savings stamps until the nine blank spaces are filled.

The next minute, the stairs swarmed with a jovial party, under the leadership of a gorgeous person, who wore in the middle of his snowy shirt front a cluster diamond pin larger than a ten-cent piece.

In this case the lawyer collected exactly sixty cents' worth of consolation,two quarters and a dime, the price of two lunches and a cup of coffee, or a dozen "Pittsfield Stogies," if there be so fragrant a brand;the lay mind cannot grasp the possibilities of two quarters and a ten-cent piece in the strong and resourceful grasp of a Pittsfield lawyer.

" BARGAINS MANAGER (five-and-ten-cent store)"What did the lady who just went out want?" SHOPGIRL"She inquired if we had a shoe department.

You give me a nickel every Sunday for six months, and then at Christmas I'll give you a ten-cent bag of candy.

34 examples of  ten-cent  in sentences