25 examples of ten-foot in sentences

For the staff a ten-foot sapling, finely polished, served.

But there he was on his feet across a ten-foot fence in a ploughed fieldyes, he flew the fence and running, running furiously in the opposite direction, when the dust cleared away.

Five times he circled around the husky, and then like a shot he was in, sending his whole weight against the husky's shoulder, with the momentum of a ten-foot leap behind it.

In the clearing there were great piles of dry logs, and in the center of all there rose eight ten-foot tree-butts crotched at the top; and from crotch to crotch there rested a stout sapling stripped of bark, and on each sapling was spitted the carcass of a caribou, to be roasted whole by the heat of the fire beneath.

To the dog's collar he then fastened a ten-foot rope of babiche.

I cayn't touch that money with a ten-foot pole; it wa'n't rightly got; you must really excuse me, my dear friend, but I cayn't touch it.

no one could tech 'em with a ten-foot pole.

It is as if one very cordially shook hands with you by means of a pair of tongs or a ten-foot pole.

I couldn't keep you out of this with a ten-foot pole.

She's eight feet square at the base, built of the native rock right on the island, then three feet of granite, then a ten-foot column.

Nationality possesses that demonic and incalculable quality from which almost anything may be expected in the way of marvel, just as certain spiky plants that have not varied winter or summer for years in their habitual unattractiveness will suddenly shoot up a ten-foot spire of radiant blossom abounding in honey.

From donkey to a ten-foot jump-off on the lake shore in a straight line on a five per cent.

Then a last big stick came with a rush, bunted these others powerfully so that they began to slide with the momentum thus imparted, slowly at first then, gathering way and speed, they shot down to the lake and plunged to the water over the ten-foot jump-off like a school of breaching whales.

I was big enough to plow and chop cotton and drive a yoke of oxen and haul ten-foot rails.

Among the former is a most excellent ten-feet achromatic, by the present Mr. Dolland, and a six-feet reflector, by Short, with a clock to be used with them.

Here and there would be a patch of wind-sown, wind-tattered giant thistle defying the axe; here and there a ten-foot puff-ball or the ashen stems of some burnt-out patch of monster grass; but that was all there was to hint at the coming of the Food.

But when things don't go to suit her she takes these awful icy 'dignity' tantrums, and you can't touch her with a ten-foot pole until she gets over them.

When you have mastered the wolf-step, can slide one shoe above the other deftly, that is to say, the sensation of paddling over a ten-foot-deep drift and taking short cuts by buried fences is worth the ankle-ache.

Sheets were hung, for curtains, on a ten-foot rod.

The roaring came no longer to my ears as I rode on through the night, except faintly when the breeze, which had died down, sprang up as the fire reached some swale covered with its ten-foot high saw-grass.

I took the distance in ten-foot steps.

Went down my gullet like a buckshot down a ten-foot shaft.'

My own particular water-sulky, a "skeleton" or "shell" race-boat, twenty-two feet long, with huge outriggers, which boat I pull with ten-foot sculls,alone, of course, as it holds but one, and tips him out, if he doesn't mind what he is about.

The next instant something shot out from under the trees and began going over the field in ten-foot hops.

It's a ten-foot drop.

25 examples of  ten-foot  in sentences