9748 examples of terribles in sentences

The Dutchman's Cap, Broken Jerusalem, The Dead Man's Chest, Rum Island, and so forth, mark a time and a race more prosaic, but still more terrible, though not one whit more wicked and brutal, than the Spanish Conquistadores, whose descendants, in the seventeenth century, they smote hip and thigh with great destruction.

In the first place there is less difference between the sexes in mere physical strength and courage; and watching the average Negresses, one can well believe the stories of those terrible Amazonian guards of the King of Dahomey, whose boast is, that they are no longer women, but men.

The same earthquake wrought terrible destruction along the whole line of the northern Cordilleras, and was felt even at Santa Fe de Bogota, and Honda, 180 leagues from Caraccas.

Vaughan saw that he had done wrong; that he had possibly provoked a war; and made for his error the most terrible reparation which man can make.

" The broken remnants of the Kureisch army journeyed slowly back to Mecca through the same desert that had seen all the bravery and splendour of their advance, and the news of their terrible fate preceded them.

But the Jews, with stubborn consciousness of their own essential autonomy, preferred the more terrible alternative, and so the defamatory songs continued.

¿Quién sabía si la bruja aprovechaba aquellos instantes para hacer uno de esos terribles conjuros que sacan á los muertos de sus sepulturas,

X Dejó atrás aquellas regiones y atravesó otras inmensidades llenas de visiones terribles, que ni él pudo comprender ni yo acierto á concebir, y llegó al cabo al último círculo de la espiral de los cielos, donde los serafines adoran al Señor, cubierto el rostro con las triples

Ni tampoco en tan terribles horas En qué pensaba ó qué pasó por ; Sólo recuerdo que lloré y maldije, Y que en aquella noche envejecí.

In descending the steep and intricate path the traveller frequently loses sight of the abbey, until he has actually reached the bottom; then emerging from the wood, the following inscription is seen carved on a wooden cross: C'est ici que la mort et que la vérité Elèvent leurs flambeaux terribles; C'est de cette demeure, au monde inaccessible, Que l'on passe à l'éternité.

It seems to me a terrible risk!

The first class have two horses, the second one horse, and the third is closed, and, having no springs, is a terrible vehicle indeed.

Then there was a terrible scurry.

At home, although the poverty and misery are terrible, still, I comfort myself, the poor have their cosy moments.

It isn't easy to get beef or mutton in this part of the world, and when a sheep is brought to Rika it has to be carefully concealed, or Kittiwake ties a ribbon round its neck and claims it as her own, and terrible is the outcry if anyone dares to make away with her pet.

The thought was terrible, and she recoiled from the very possibility of living with him a moment longer.

Laughter is, indeed, a terrible betrayer of the character, and a surer guide in judgment than most people know.

The Tirailleurs are the enfants terribles of the French Army.

Les enfants terribles.

Les enfants terribles.

Les Turcs ne sont donc ni aussi terribles, ni aussi formidables que je l'ai entendu dire.

Watts bade them look into their Bibles and observe the boldness of its poetic imagery, rejected the dictum of Boileau, that De la foy d'un Chrétien les mystères terribles D'ornemens egayéz ne sont point susceptibles; and pointed to the way he had chosen for himself as a Biblical rhymer.

Votre rose blanche et votre rose rouge avaient de terribles épines pour la nation.

en la formación de la biblioteca; pero de su animado relato de aquellos días terribles en que se proscribían en masa los partidos, nada se deduce en menoscabo de los humanos sentimientos del autor de Indulgencia para Todos, ajeno a los odios y a las persecuciones personales que anublaban el horizonte, y en cuanto a sus ideas y tendencias políticas, si las ensalzara perdería yo todo derecho

[Footnote 1: In another criticism of this play Larra writes: 'y con no ver en este amorío los terribles inconvenientes que en los de sus novelas está acostumbrada a encontrar....']

9748 examples of  terribles  in sentences