12 examples of tetters in sentences

My Dear Manning,Since the date of my last tetter, I have been a traveller, A strong desire seized me of visiting remote regions.

And curd, like Aygre droppings into Milke, [Sidenote: eager] The thin and wholsome blood: so did it mine; And a most instant Tetter bak'd about, [Sidenote: barckt about] Most Lazar-like, with vile and loathsome crust, All my smooth Body.

But I have not ink enough to cure all the tetters and ring-worms of the State.

Angelus Politianus had a tetter in his nose continually running, fulsome in company, yet no man so eloquent and pleasing in his works.

First it is not catching, and as Erasmus comforted himself, when he was grievously sick of the stone, though it was most troublesome, and an intolerable pain to him, yet it was no whit offensive to others, not loathsome to the spectators, ghastly, fulsome, terrible, as plagues, apoplexies, leprosies, wounds, sores, tetters, pox, pestilent agues are, which either admit of no company, terrify or offend those that are present.

Half the world breaks out with action; its performance is cutaneous, of the nature of tetter.

Four years later, Bouley is found holding the opinion that canker was closely allied to tetter, thus recognising for it a local specific cause.

I had tetter and it all come out.

Instructors, Rev. Azel Hatch, Oberlin, O. Miss Flora C. Clough, Plainfield, N.H. " Anna M. Tetter, Oberlin, O. " Mira L. Olmstead, Denver, Col. " Mary A. Peffers, Peru, Vt. " Louise C. Holman, Lincoln, Neb. LOUISVILLE.

Its use undeniably produces scrofula, salt-rheum, tetter, ringworm, humors in the blood, rheumed eyes, enlarged glands, sore eyes, and lastly, cancer.

It seemed like a pathological chart presenting a face broken out with an unseemly tetter.

Had the spirit then so rife really prevailed, the map of America to-day might have been no less blotched with the morbid tetter of particularism than that of the Germany of sixty years ago.

12 examples of  tetters  in sentences