189 examples of thankfully in sentences

And at last von Ludwig exclaimed thankfully: "Well, I guess we are safe enough here.

The confederated cantons thankfully acknowledged what Basel and Schaffhausen had constantly done in these heroic days for the whole Confederacy, and that warlike Appenzell had never been backward at the call of glory and liberty.

It may be imagined how thankfully they found themselves once more on board.

But leaving them to their lewdness, I hope you, and all discreet readers, will thankfully receive my pains, the fruits of my first harvest: the rather, perceiving that my purpose in this tragedy tendeth only to the exaltation of virtue and suppression of vice, with pleasure to profit and help all men, but to offend or hurt no man.

Afterward, bewailing his mishap, he commanded the earl to be attached, imprisoned, strangled, unbowelled, and his heart in a cup of gold to be presented to his daughter: she thankfully receiveth the present, filling the cup (wherein the heart was) with her tears, with a venomous potion (by her distilled for that purpose) she drank to her earl.

Men who live in stirring times and meet death face to face quite familiarly from day to day, as Englishmen meet the rain, soon acquire the philosophy which consists in taking the good things the gods send them, unhesitatingly and thankfully.

She had scarcely dared to acknowledge to herself how dear John Crewys had become to her, even though she knew that she rested thankfully upon the certainty of his love; that she trusted him in all things; that she was in utter sympathy with all his thoughts and words and ways.

My Father, every gift of thine, Teach me to lift to Thee; Not else know I the love divine, With which it comes to me; Not else the tenfold gift is mine Of taking thankfully.

On the contrary, I receive thankfully suggestions for accomplishing an object which I have so much at heart, more especially when they emanate from persons deeply interested and thoroughly conversant with the subject, like yourselfeven when they fall within the category of what you style 'extraordinary measures.'

One only Play I must except (for I meane to deale openly) 'tis a COMEDY called the Wilde-goose Chase, which hath beene long lost, and I feare irrecoverable; for a Person of Quality borrowed it from the Actours many yeares since, and (by the negligence of a Servant) it was never return'd; therefore now I put up this Si quis, that whosoever hereafter happily meetes with it, shall be thankfully satisfied if he please to send it home.

I receive it most thankfully.

If so, let them thankfully proceed to vote the immediate abolition of the Slave Trade.

He took pistol and sword from me thankfully, and flew upon his murderers, and, Friday, pursuing the flying wretches, in the end but four of the twenty-one escaped in a canoe.

Then a traveller overtook us going on foot; he wore a brown cloak that was all in rags and he seemed to have been walking all night, and he walked hurriedly but appeared weary, so we offered him food and drink, of which he partook thankfully.

But from that time onward we heard nothing and presently the dawn came in and we all went very thankfully to bed.

Yet if any one of you have half an hour to spare for that purpose, it will be most thankfully received.

Yours thankfully C.L.

She accepted the alternative thankfully.

The poor woman slipped away thankfully with a grateful smile at Faith, and she was left alone with Mr. Denton.

They entered the trim gardens, escaping thankfully from the wandering crowd of sight-seers.

But there is only one practical issue to what he has proposednot to stand bargaining for impossible conditions, but thankfully and humbly to join himself to the true Church while he may.

It were to be wished, that Christians would take example by this Heathen, to have received by the kind mediation and powerful interposition of their benefactors and deliverers; and it would be likewise happy for mankind, were there no occasion to blame many, who, instead of thankfully acknowledging favours and benefits, rather abuse and condemn those who have been the instruments to save them from destruction.

"It's no a Thrums name," Corp replied thankfully.

" He opened the door slowly, and the sentimental Mr. Duckett, still holding fast to the parcel containing Mr. Stobell's old boot, slipped thankfully outside.

For, O friends, it has seemed to me most unlikely; I dare say that I might not have been over-difficultmight have thankfully and heartily loved some one not quite a Bayard, but one cannot love any thingany odd and endand, say what you will, the choice of a country girl, with a little dowry and a plain face, is but small.

189 examples of  thankfully  in sentences