267 examples of the luck in sentences

She knew the luck he meantthat of her mother's having so enabled him to get rid of her; but it was the nearest allusion of the merely invidious kind that he would make.

I had all the luck.

"It sure beats all how the luck runs, Sinclair.

From "The Luck of Roaring Camp," &c. =246.= BIRTH OF A CHILD IN A MINER'S CAMP. ...

The speaker challenged the Irish lover of the play who had had the luck to win the sweet, thorny little Killarney Rose in the end and to get a real, albeit a play kiss from the pretty little heroine, who as Tony Holiday as well as Rose was prone to make mischief in susceptible male hearts.

I had the luck to find a good old-fashioned inn here, and to pass the evening in very pleasant company.

Down in the luck like myself.

"'Tis not thy fault, man, that, not having the luck to be an Englishman, thou canst not fight more than a school-girl.

Yet Eaton has not had the luck of fame.

It is more than our share of ill-fortune, I think, but the luck may turn yet.

It's a pity the luck doesn't come our way, because every detail of equipment is right.

They had, generally, the mania of activity and zeal, and commonly went beyond their orders, trusting that if the luck followed them they would be approved, and if it deserted them they would find protection in the surroundings of the throne, as they generally did, activity in the Slavonic cause covering many sins against discipline.

I had the luck to escape, and I shouted to these poor devils to make a last assault.

The luck of Glenlorn.

The luck of Jad Peters.

The luck of some people.

The luck of Ifor MacNubbin.

To a certain extent, and in certain ways, he really was a clever man, and he had the luck to begin many years ago when farming was on the ascending side of the cycle.

I knew you wouldn't let us go without wishing us the luck of the road.

Hope she has the luck to keep it.

I give you that place as it's the most probable, and you as a tenderfoot in the business will have all the luck.

"Dod gast the luck!"

But, at this stage of culture, the luck of the state, and the interests of a rich and powerful clergy, were involved in the maintenance of the old, animistic, relatively non-moral system, as in Cuzco, Greece, and Rome.

A few hours later they landed at Grand Forks, N.D., and by keeping close to their side-door Pullman they had the luck to reach, unmolested, the outskirts of Minneapolis on the evening of the third day after leaving their home.

"Their conceits are as uncertain as the profits of a whaling voyage, or the luck of a sportsman.

267 examples of  the luck  in sentences