32 examples of theists in sentences

But all this holds true only in the hypothesis of a nation of Christians or Theists.

Whatever be the truth about Idealism, man is by nature a Realist; and similarly he is by nature a theist, until he has studiously learnt to balance himself in the non-natural pose.

She said that Mrs. Somerville would probably have called herself a Unitarian, but that really she was a Theist, and that it came out more in her later life.

Deists, Theists, Quakers, and "Dissenters" were not allowed to testify in courts, and their right to vote was challenged in England up to 1885.

He is a pure Theist or Deist, recognizing, like the old Greeks, no religion but that of Nature, and valuing no attainments but such as are suggested by Nature and Reason, which are the gods he worships from first to last in all his writings.

latitudinarian, Deist, Theist, Unitarian; positivist, materialist; Homoiousian^, Homoousian^, limitarian^, theosophist, ubiquitarian^; skeptic &c 989.

spiritual existence, odor of sanctity, beauty of holiness. theopathy^, beatification, adoption, regeneration, conversion, justification, sanctification, salvation, inspiration, bread of life; Body and Blood of Christ. believer, convert, theist, Christian, devotee, pietist^; the good, the righteous, the just, the believing, the elect; Saint, Madonna, Notre Dame [Fr.], Our Lady.

Since natural science deals only with secondary or natural causes, the scientific terms of a theory of derivation of speciesno less than of a theory of dynamicsmust needs be the same to the theist as to the atheist.

Not to do so seems to concede that only supernatural events can be shown to be designed, which no theist can admit,seems also to misconceive the scope and meaning of all ordinary arguments for design in Nature.

To illustrate this first from the theist's point of view.

So the issue between the skeptic and the theist is only the old one, long ago argued out,namely, whether organic Nature is a result of design or of chance.

Surely, too, the accidental element may play its part in Nature without negativing design in the theist's view.

What theist doubts that the actual results of the development in the inorganic worlds are not merely compatible with design, but are in the truest sense designed results?

Either of these suppositions would be the death of natural philosophy: the hylozoist endows matter with a property which conflicts with its nature, and the theist oversteps the boundary of possible experience.

Since the visit of Rammohun Roy, the Indian reformer, in 1833, the English in particular have developed kindly relations with the Indian theist movement, and students from India and Japan are regularly educated at Oxford for the ministry of free religion in their own countries.

The Rev. Mr. Frothingham bore public and admiring testimony in his own church to Mr. Bradlaugh's perfect serenity, at once fearless and unpretending, and, himself a Theist, gave willing witness to the Atheist's calm strength.

Her doctrine of Nemesis resembles that of the old Greeks more than that of the modern optimists and theists.

Thus, the theists take their cue from manufacture, the pantheists from growth.

"A people of theists necessarily become revelationists, that is to say, slaves of priests, who are but religious go-betweens, and physicians of damned souls.

"A people of theists necessarily become revelationists, that is to say, slaves of priests, who are but religious go-betweens, and physicians of damned souls.

So too, when a Pantheist objects (erringly, as I hold) that a Person is necessarily something finite, so that God cannot be a Person; if, against this, a Theist contend that God is at once a Person and a Principle, and invent a use of the word Personality to overlap both ideas; we may reject his nomenclature as too arbitrary, but what rightful place ridicule has here, I do not see.

It is not true, that, as a Theist, I evade the objections urged by real atheists or sceptics; on the contrary, I try to search them to the very bottom.

NEWMAN, FRANCIS WILLIAM, born in London, brother of the preceding, with whom he was wholly out of sympathy, and at the opposite pole; he was a theist in his religious opinions, and wrote in defence of them his principal works, "The Soul: Her Sorrows and Aspirations," and "Phases of Faith" (1805-1897).

To the Theist, what is inevitable cannot but be divinely ordained, therefore religion is divinely preordained, therefore, in essentials, though not in accidental details, religion is true.

The atheist, or non-theist, of course draws no such inferences.

32 examples of  theists  in sentences