786817 examples of them in sentences

Ten to one, if he hasn't already chucked them into the sea, they're now confined in one of the mills over there.

"We cannot take them into the town to-nightmaybe not for two or three days.

I say to you that we cannot put them to death until we are sure that the others have no chance to escape to England.

We have them safely in our hands.

Some of them were writhing as if in the death agony.

The sun smiled down upon them.

She left him standing there; the wall between them was too high, too impregnable for even Love to storm.

By J. Fenimore Cooper. 1863 "Thus arise Races of living things, glorious in strength And perish, as the quickening breath of God Fills them, or is withdrawn."Bryant.

In other words, they knew nothing about them.

Each minute seemed an hour, and it appeared to them as if the night was to last for ever.

But the earth performed its usual revolution, and by degrees sufficient light was obtained to enable Mark and Bob to examine the state of things around them.

If the ship is ever to be moved by us two, it must be by going to leeward, and not by attempting to turn up ag'in wind and tide among them 'ere rocks, out here to the eastward.

Here a surprise was ready for them, that drew an exclamation from each, the instant the sight broke upon him.

If a fellow could get but a bit of earth to put them melon-seeds in, we might be eating our fruit like gentlemen, two months hence, or three months, at the latest.

But distrusting the constancy of that good fortune, which had so unexpectedly smiled upon them, they hastened to get rid of these insecure possessions, and to convert their immovable into transferable property.

The bravery of the Hollanders gave full employment to the Spanish arms in the Netherlands; while Gustavus had driven them from the Rhine.

He, who had led them to the charge, returned not with them: there he lay upon the field which he had won, mingled with the dead bodies of the common crowd.

Minds like yours, therefore, seldom know how far they have penetrated and how little cause they have to borrow from philosophy, which, in fact, can learn only from them.

Such phenomena, however, are often found in our natures, and we quietly submit to them as long as they do not become too tyrannical.

I wrote them about a year and a half ago, for which reason, as well as on account of the occasion for which they were penned (they were intended for an indulgent friend), there is some excuse for their crudeness of form.

ABBOTT, E. C. We pointed them north; recollections of a cowpuncher, by E. C. Abbott (Teddy Blue) & Helena Huntington Smith.

E. C. We pointed them north.

The book of original plays and how to give them.

The pirates brought the captains and merchants on board, and tortured them in a barbarous manner, to constrain them to tell where they had hid their treasure.

Upon the sight of the pirates, the commodore of the fleet intimated to Mr. Brown, the general, that as they had no orders to fight, and had gone upon a different purpose, it would be improper for them to engage.

786817 examples of  them  in sentences