501 examples of theoretical in sentences

You watched by the marshy pool, and caught the 'peeper' in the act, took him 'in flagrante, delicto,' as the lawyers say, and thus ended the theoretical discussion about the 'peepers.'

The world would stand still but for the spirit of research for the practical; for experimental, and not theoretical knowledge, that is abroad.


This method of reasoning, which some people appear to find so irritating in the economic sphere, and as they say so "theoretical" and "unreal," is one which they adopt readily enough in every other department of life.

This is not a purely theoretical proposition; after an agitation lasting nearly half a century, Holland has this year put such a law in force.

Though the discovery has not as yet borne fruit in any direct practical application, yet it has proved of immense value from a theoretical standpoint.

This force, exercised largely by emphatic repetition (the theoretical basis, as has been observed, of the modern practice of advertising), has played a great part in establishing authoritative opinions and propagating religious creeds.

As elsewhere, so in Germany, considerations of political expediency promoted the growth of toleration, especially in Prussia; and as elsewhere, theoretical advocates exercised great influence on public opinion.

Here, as in all theoretical instruction that aims at a practical result, the first thing to do is to understand the rule; the second thing is to learn the practice of it.

Dr. Müller, the pathologist, was appointed to superintend the theoretical, and Dr. Ebert the practical, instruction.

No better work of the kind has been done anywhere, and it will detract little from its merit even if the views of the authors on the theoretical question of the sources of the ores shall not be generally adopted.]

We must effect a saving somehow; there is too great a variation between theoretical and actual values.

The question then presents itself: Is there any connection between the amounts of the red and the blue which pass? Lord Rayleigh, some years ago, made a theoretical investigation of the subject.

To answer such objections Mr. Aimé Witz has established a complete parallel between the two systems, in which he looks at the question from a theoretical and practical and scientific and financial point of view.

From a theoretical point of view the advantage therefore rests with the gas generator and gas motor.

This point, 461 degrees below zero, is the theoretical point at which a volume of air is reduced to nothing.

Mr. Norman Selfe, of the Engineering Association of N.S.W., has compiled a table which shows some important theoretical conditions involved in producing compressed air.

Her view of feeling was mainly theoretical, for she was led in her attitude towards the facts of life, not by sentiment, but by reason.

They too are sounding the fathomless depth of doubt, but they do it methodically as scientists, not as sensitive geniuses without portfolio like me; in consequence of which their recent transcendental philosophy, their present scientific pessimism, and their poetic Weltschmerz have only a theoretical meaning.

Theoretical mechanics.

(Briegel theoretical publication, no. 1) © 16May33; AA122216. George F. Briegel, Inc. (PWH); 5May61; R275487.

es a fine system of theoretical physiology, and who, while still young, made himself a celebrity in the medical school of Paris, that central luminary to which European doctors do homage, practised surgery for a long time before he took up medicine.

Artists of genius taught the schools more than they learned of them; and these artists, so far as I can learn, have left no trace of theoretical works, but, as before written, genius precedes and exemplifies law.

In later times the pastoral generally acknowledged a theoretical dependence on rustic song, and the popular compositions did actually now and again affect literary tradition.

In the days when it was fashionable for men of learning to discuss the laws of pastoral composition, a certain northern giant fell foul of the Neapolitan's piscatory eclogues on somewhat theoretical grounds.

501 examples of  theoretical  in sentences