172279 examples of there is in sentences

Removing the parathyroids means removing the lime barrier, for with their deficiency there is a change in, and then an escape, from the blood, of the lime, by way of the kidneys.

There is a class of street-readers, whom I can never contemplate without affectionthe poor gentry, who, not having wherewithal to buy or hire a book, filch a little learning at the open stallsthe owner, with his hard eye, casting envious looks at them all the while, and thinking when they will have done.

To offer a petition, not expected to be granted; to insult a king-with a rude remonstrance, only because there is no punishment for legal insolence, is not courage, for there is no danger; nor patriotism, for it tends to the subversion of order, and lets wickedness loose upon the land, by destroying the reverence due to sovereign authority.

P. Nonius Saluciensis and Kepler take upon them to demonstrate that no meteors, clouds, fogs, [3078]vapours, arise higher than fifty or eighty miles, and all the rest to be purer air or element of fire: which [3079]Cardan, [3080]Tycho, and [3081]John Pena manifestly confute by refractions, and many other arguments, there is no such element of fire at all.

But there is one in the bark I would wish to save, even at some hazard to myself.

There is a variation in the Clementine text, which for [Greek: haemon] has, according to Dressel, [Greek: sou], and, according to Cotelier, [Greek: humon].

There is but a single obstacle to this most desirable union, and that is the unwarrantable opposition of one person.

This gives to every colored man, in proportion to his intellectuality, a sort of dual personality; there is one phase of him which is disclosed only in the freemasonry of his own race.

AND THERE IS A FLAME When Alan Massey strayed into the breakfast room, one of the latest arrivals at that very informal meal, he found a telegram awaiting him.

And there is reason to believe, that in the earliest times it was in the highest estimation.

There is an unmistakable emphasis in His words: "Because I have spoken these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart.

Whatever may be the hygienic advantages or disadvantages of wine,and I for one, except for certain particular ends, believe in water, and, I blush to say it, in black tea,there is no doubt about its being the grand specific against dull dinners.

" "There is nothing settled yet," remarked Aniela.

There is an illuminated Psalter preserved amongst the MSS.

"And on the opposite side of the lake," continued Doctor Torvey, "there is a building that contrasts very well with itthe old house of the Feltramsquite a ruin now, at the mouth of the glenCloostedd House, a very picturesque object.

"Then there is no escape, I suppose; I must keep my promise.

Mr. SPECTATOR, 'I was the other Day at the Bear-Garden, in hopes to have seen your short Face; but not being so fortunate, I must tell you by way of Letter, That there is a Mystery among the Gladiators which has escaped your Spectatorial Penetration.

" "He did, but most of it has been dissipated, I imagine, and what there is left is in the possession of his wife, a woman with no more red blood than a codfish.

There is a great difference in the sensitiveness of animals to this pressure.

But for Richelieu's great fault there is an excuse.

I approached the subject cautiously, with an inquiry to this effect: "Are there none among the officers who are religiously disposed?" "Oh, yes," replied the one whom I addressed, "there is S; when he is half tipsy, he takes his Bible and 'Newton's Works,' and goes to bed and cries over them; he thinks in this way he is excessively pious.

On his face there is an expression of grave and serious concern; and shesheis it possible?she is evidentlyplainly weeping.

As I talked with her and looked at her, and as I looked at her mother and talked with her, it was impressed upon me that if there is one thing in this world which is better than all else, it is peace, that peace which comprises so many forms of happiness and deep content.

The correct word is jeopard, but in any case there is no need for anything so farfetched and stilted.

Deep in the mystic ingratitude of the soul of man there is an extraordinary tendency to use the name for an organ, when what is meant is the abuse or decay of that organ.

172279 examples of  there is  in sentences