30157 examples of there is no in sentences

We only know that there is no third color, no compromise.

Thou art used to deal with the patricians, Jacopo; would there be possibility for one, clad in this dress, and with a face blackened by the sun, to come to speak with the Doge?" "There is no lack of seeming justice in Venice, Antonio; the want is in the substance.

'Madam, (said I,) if once you quit this rock, there is no knowing where you may settle.

I suppose that there is no doubt of the fact that he executed a vast number of rebels, and I, certainly, who disapprove of all that sort of thing, am not going to defend that proceeding.

There is no crown without its thorns.

In cases of murder, the next in blood is obliged to kill the murderer, or else he is looked on as infamous in the nation where he lives; and the weakness of the executive power is such, that there is no other way of punishment but by the revenger of blood, as the Scripture calls it; for there is no coercive power in any of their nations; their kings can do no more than to persuade.

When a God of this kind is established there is no difficulty about miracles, and it is on miracles that Paley bases the case for Christianityall other arguments are subsidiary.

But behind the scenes,I mean in the Hôtel de Ville,authors and actors whisper to each other: "There is no doubt about it, it is a failure!" FOOTNOTES: [Footnote 59: On leaving the gulf of Otranto There were thirty of us there, But on arriving at Cadiz There were no more than ten. ] LIV.

There is no good for him, no good for me, no good for thee!

" "But there is no reason," urged the other.

" "But there is no place for me here.

It is fed by an invisible spring, and there is no overflow, because, after bathing in it to wash away their sins, the pilgrims drink several cups of the filthy liquid, which often nauseates them, and it is a miracle that any of them survive.

Where all are alike admirable, there is no call for selection; we shall therefore open the volumes at random, and trust to fortune.

We infer that servants were voluntary, as there is no instance of an Israelitish master SELLING a servant.

"How now?" exclaimed the same strange voice; "there is no one victualled aboard here that speaks thus.

He was thoroughly the gentleman, gentle because manly, and was a striking instance that where there is strength for sincere courtesy, there is no need of other adaptation to the character of others, to make one's way freely and gracefully through the crowd.

There is no compulsion, and there is next to no pay.

There is no part of the world that can not be reached by man.

In the conception of Tito, George Eliot has quite surpassed herself, and in all literature there is no delineation of a character surpassing this.

In it there is no echo, however faint, of those storms of public violence and private passion which broke dark over Italy.

For the wound of the scorner there is no healing, Since he is a plant of an evil kind.

There is no other man on earth who rivals me in beauty of person, in youth, in prosperity, and in the possession of excellent objects of enjoyment.

You've been a good friend to me, Jake!" There is no record of this marriage in the clerk's office; where it was regarded, of course, as a joke.

'There is no doubt of the authorship of this play,' writes Professer Gollancz in his notes to Lamb's Specimens, '"J. S." is certainly an error for "E. S." I have found in a MS.

And yet there is no more pleasing sight than a good-looking old woman, who is neither afraid or ashamed to recognize the fact of her age, and wears the quiet and sober colours which belong to her years, modifying the fashion of the day to suit herself, that she may neither ape the young nor affect to revive in her own person the fashions of by-gone days.

30157 examples of  there is no  in sentences