2332 examples of there was not a in sentences

By dint of most active exertion, I secured a bed to myself, the narrow dimensions of which precluded the possibility of participation, and plunged into it with all possible haste, as there was not a moment to be lost.

The rock slanted, and cracks and breaks gave a firm hold, but there was not a crack wherever one was needed and the pitch was steep.

From Carter, who had beamingly greeted her at the station, to the pretty parlor maid who smiled as Betty entered her room to find her turning down the bed covers, there was not a servant who did not remember Betty and seem glad to see her.

But it was another Marjorie who met him at the gate the next evening; the cheeks were still thin, but they were tinted and there was not a trace of yesterday's dullness in face or voice; it was a joyful face, and her voice was as light-hearted as a child's.

I counted twenty-seven on my left and twenty-five on my right, but among them all there was not a head worth shooting.

There was not a breath of air.

There was not a collegian within doors, nor a turnkey absent, as they crossed the yard.

He was not a Joppite by either birth or education; indeed, he had but lately arrived on his first visit as a summer guest, and was hardly known to anybody personally as yet, though there was not a girl in the place but was already perfectly well aware of his existence, and had placed him instantly as "one of the very swellest of the swells."

Except the lords appointed to hold the pall, and attend the chief mourner, when the attendants were called over in their ranks, there was not a single English lord, not one bishop, and only one Irish lord (Lord Limerick), and three sons of peers.

When the last man had vanished, the slab that made the step was shut down, and there was not a sign of the secret door.

The sun pierced the narrow awning and there was not a breath of wind.

There was not a stronger heart.

And during all that inexplicable delay of one hour and a half, after a preliminary waiting of two hours, there was not a single look of annoyance or impatience, nor the slightest indication, on any face, that this was viewed as a strange or extraordinary thing.

To the north there was not a particle of mist, and the violent wind coming from that direction blew one back staggering.

There was not a particle of my covering that was not as wet as if it had been fished from the bottom of the ocean.

there was not a fish on the slabs.

There was not a maritime nation in Europe which had not its representative among; that band of turbulent and desperate spirits.

During the afternoon a lean hare limped twice across the lawn, and there was not a creature stirring to chase it.

All ran in great distress to inform their sovereign of the circumstance, for there was not a single cloud to cause so deep a shadow, and they could not comprehend the nature or meaning of an eclipse.

I listened, but there was not a stir.

There was not a person in sight.

In these four hours, owing to the disadvantage under which le Feu-Follet labored, there was not a difference of half a knot in the distance run by the two vessels, though each passed over more than thirty miles of water.

'As if there was not a sufficiency of such distress'd objects already in this country,' wrote Edward Winslow from Halifax, 'the good people of England have collected a whole ship load of all kinds of vagrants from the streets of London, and sent them out to Nova Scotia.

There was not a soul on the streets as we pulled out a few moments after five o'clock, and in the entire ride of some thirty miles we met scarcely more than three or four teams.

At this season of the year the hotel kept early hours, and there was not a light to be seen in the cour.

2332 examples of  there was not a  in sentences