1487 examples of thereupon in sentences

Proud to learn that her guardian was so well known in the great city, and delighted that she had met a charioteer so minutely familiar with his house of business, FLORA stepped readily into the providential hack, which thereupon instantly began Rocking-Chair-ing, Old-Shoe-ing, and Gliding.

The rest of the audience are thereupon gently lulled to sleep by the music of the fileso soft and soothing does it sound by contrast with STOEPEL'S demoniac orchestra.

He thereupon averted his face, and sat as before with folded arms.

" Thereupon, he retraced his steps.

" Thereupon Rudolph Musgrave struck his half-brother in the face with his open hand.

" Thereupon, Mr. Charteris uncovered his head with perfect gravity, and turned on his heel, and went down the road, whistling melodiously.

For thy menhow shall they harm me, seeing I shall be dead!" Down swayed the branch, low and lower, until Beltane's mailed foot, a-swing in mid air, found something beneathslipped awayfound it again, and thereupon, loosing the branch, down he came upon the ruined mill-wheel.

Thereupon Haml took horse, and went immediately to King Cais.

Thereupon the cares of life have sat, and rid him easily.

Thereupon, beckoning to young Richard Partington, she whispered something in his ear, and straightway the Page bowed and left the place, crossing the meadow to the other side of the range, where he was presently lost in the crowd.

Then Robin Hood and Gilbert of the White Hand tossed a farthing aloft to see who should lead in the shooting, and the lot fell to Gilbert's side; thereupon he called upon Hubert of Suffolk to lead.

And this what knight soever be in field Lays claim to for the lady at his side, And tilts with my good nephew thereupon, Who being apt at arms and big of bone Has ever won it for the lady with him, And toppling over all antagonism Has earn'd himself the name of sparrow-hawk.

Thereupon Pan-Chao became animated, and although we understood nothing he said, we guessed that he was speaking of the courage of Kinko, of the sacrifice he had made for the safety of the travelers, and finally, as a supreme argument, he pleaded that his client had saved the imperial treasure.

It was thereupon stated by Mr. Watts that we had not reprinted the pamphlet for which he was prosecuted, so we at once issued another edition, printed from his own version.]

Thereupon he looked at her again, and his whole being trembled at her glorified resemblance to the departedprouder and taller her stature, paler her complexion, more thoughtful the maidenly brow.

" He spake and paused; and thereupon spake I.

It appears that "Cherry" thereupon commenced aserious and arduous course of study of abstruse navigational problems which he found exceedingly tough and now despaired mastering.

Thereupon the young hero had done something else with mysterious handles, and the bus glided swiftly on to the depot, making the twelve-two in ample time.

Thereupon he resolved, with true radical impetuosity, that Bagwax was a much better public servant than Mr. Brown.

Thereupon, egoist that he is, feeling things only in so far as they concern himself, he began to grumble at his mother-in-law.

Thereupon she embraced me.

Thereupon I became very angry.

Thereupon his companion, the Andalusian, burst forth indignantly.

"'Thereupon [lower the voice to fix the attention] the Wolf carried him into the depths of the forest andate him [deplore the fact] without further trial'"

Alexis thereupon goes off to fetch Laurinda, who shall force him to abide by his oath, while Damon in a fit of rage seeks to prevent Amarillis' verdict by slaying her.

1487 examples of  thereupon  in sentences