131 examples of thesaurus in sentences

Did you never see my head before my Thesaurus?"' The Praepostors, learning the dignity of their visitor, in a most respectful manner showed him the College.

Sweep away his authority as an inspiration, and you undermine the whole authority of the Bible; you bring it down to the level of all other books; you make it valuable only as a thesaurus of interesting stories and impressive moral truths, which we accept as we do all other kinds of knowledge, leaving us free to reject what we cannot understand or appreciate, or even what we dislike.

Augustine, in a little African town, wielded ten times the influence of a bishop of Rome, and his sermons to the people of the town of Hippo furnished a thesaurus of divinity to the clergy for a thousand years.

He furnished a thesaurus not merely to Bernard and Thomas Aquinas, but even to Calvin and Bossuet and Pascal.

The Paradiso is a thesaurus of Mediaeval theology,obscure, but lofty, mixed up with all the learning of the age, even of the lives of saints and heroes and kings and prophets.

Probably no series of political essays has done so much to mould the opinions of American statesmen as those of "The Federalist,"a thesaurus of political wisdom, as much admired in Europe as in America.

dictionary, lexicon; vocabulary, glossary; thesaurus. file, card index, card file, rolodex, address book.


large paper; Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales, a fine illustrated copy, in Russia extra; Grævii et Gronovii Thesaurus Antiquitatem, 34 vols.

But in addition to his poetry he has, single-handed, carried through the tremendous scholarly task of compiling a dictionary of the Provençal languagea Thesaurus of the Félibrige, for which work the Institute awarded him a prize of ten thousand francs.

SEE Roget's international thesaurus of English words and phrases.

Thesaurus linguae latinae epieraphicae.

KEYES, CLINTON W. Thesaurus linguae latinae epigraphicae.

MCLEAN, JOHN H. Thesaurus linguae latinae epigraphicae.

Roget's thesaurus of the English language in dictionary form.

OLCOTT, GEORGE N. Thesaurus linguae latinae epigraphicae.

SMITH, LESLIE P. Thesaurus linguae latinae epigraphicae.

Roget's international thesaurus of English words and phrases.

MCLEAN, JOHN H. Thesaurus linguae latinae epigraphicae.

Roget's thesaurus of the English language in dictionary form.

Penrose Fry (Wr); 20Mar69; R458117. FULLER, EDMUND, ed. Thesaurus of quotations.

The American thesaurus of slang.

Roget's international thesaurus.

Thesaurus of words and phrases.

The American thesaurus of slang.

131 examples of  thesaurus  in sentences