37 examples of thi in sentences

When they had all done but one, who was left reared against the wooden partition finishing his soup, the last of those going away turned round and said, "Sam, theaw'rt noan as tickle abeawt thi mate as thae use't to be."

"Well," continued the other; "keep thi heart eawt of thi clogs, iv thi breeches dun eawt-thrive thi carcass a bit, owd lad."

"Well," continued the other; "keep thi heart eawt of thi clogs, iv thi breeches dun eawt-thrive thi carcass a bit, owd lad."

"Well," continued the other; "keep thi heart eawt of thi clogs, iv thi breeches dun eawt-thrive thi carcass a bit, owd lad."

"Well," continued the other; "keep thi heart eawt of thi clogs, iv thi breeches dun eawt-thrive thi carcass a bit, owd lad."

"Come, my lass," said her father, "get on wi' thi weshin'."

Thae'll do, mon; arto beawn to lother o' th' bit o' swoap away that one has to wash wi'; gi's howd on't this minute, an' go thi ways an' dry thisel', thae little pouse, thae."

" Ann, who had befriended them in this manner, was the handsome young woman who seemed to be in work; and now, the poor woman who had been telling the story, laid her hand upon her friend's shoulder and said, "Ann, thae's behaved very weel to us o' roads; an' neaw, lass, go thi ways whoam, an' dunnut fret abeawt us, mon.

Go thi ways whoam, Ann; neaw do; or else aw shan't be yezzy abeawt tho!"

Come Whoam to thi Childer an' MeWhat ails Thee, my Son RobinGod Bless these Poor FolkCome, Mary, Link thi

Come Whoam to thi Childer an' MeWhat ails Thee, my Son RobinGod Bless these Poor FolkCome, Mary, Link thi

MineChirrup The Dule's i' this Bonnet o' MineTickle TimesJamie's FrolicOwd PinderCome, Jamie, let's Undo thi ShoonThe Goblin ParsonWhile Takin' a Wift o' my PipeGod Bless thi Silver YureMargit's Coming.

MineChirrup The Dule's i' this Bonnet o' MineTickle TimesJamie's FrolicOwd PinderCome, Jamie, let's Undo thi ShoonThe Goblin ParsonWhile Takin' a Wift o' my PipeGod Bless thi Silver YureMargit's Coming.

Come Whoam to thi Childer an' MeWhat ails Thee, my Son RobinGod Bless these Poor FolkCome, Mary, Link thi

Come Whoam to thi Childer an' MeWhat ails Thee, my Son RobinGod Bless these Poor FolkCome, Mary, Link thi

this Bonnet o' MineCome, Jamie, let's Undo thi ShoonAw've Worn my Bits o' Shoon AwayChirrupBonny NanTum RindleTickle TimesJamie's FrolicOwd PinderThe

Goblin ParsonWhile Takin' a Wift o' my PipeYesterneetGod Bless thi Silver YureMargit's ComingEawr FolkTh' Sweetheart GateGentle JoneNeet Fo'A Lift on th' Way.

Come Whoam to thi Childer an' MeWhat ails Thee, my Son RobinGod Bless these Poor FolkCome, Mary, Link thi

Come Whoam to thi Childer an' MeWhat ails Thee, my Son RobinGod Bless these Poor FolkCome, Mary, Link thi

this Bonnet o' MineCome, Jamie, let's Undo Thi ShoonWhile Takin' a Wift o' my PipeGod Bless thi Silver YureAw've

this Bonnet o' MineCome, Jamie, let's Undo Thi ShoonWhile Takin' a Wift o' my PipeGod Bless thi Silver YureAw've

"Thah mi tonge were made of stel, Ant min herte yzote of bras, The goodness myht y never telle, That with kyng Edward was: Kyng, as thou art cleped conquerour, In uch battaille thou hadest prys; God bringe thi soule to the honour, That ever wes ant ever ys.

And the aungel sayde to him, Zacarye, drede thou not; for thy preier is herd, and Elizabeth thi wif schal bere to thee a sone, and his name schal be clepid Jon.

Then he asserts that mine, thine, his, hers, ours, yours, and theirs, are compounds of ne or s with mi, thi, hi, &c.: that their application invariably "gives them a compound character:" and that, "They may, therefore, be properly denominated Compound Personal Pronouns."Ib., p. 101.

[Greek: Os thi noon, on kehinon nohaeseis,]"You will not perceive that, as perceiving a particular thing," say the Chaldean Oracles.

37 examples of  thi  in sentences