11 examples of thingis in sentences

Usually the only noticeable feature about the front of itand that is generally the place where one looks for the virtues or vices of a thingis a series of caged-up boards, announcing homilies, and tea parties, and collections all over the north Lancashire portion of Congregational Christendom.

The general toleration of unnecessary noisethe slamming of doors, for instance, a very unmannerly and ill-bred thingis direct evidence that the prevailing habit of mind is dullness and lack of thought.

The conclusion of the whole matter, however, is, that individualitythat very ground of being as distinguished from thingis not attained in Nature at one leap.

Tell me one thingis this to be endured?

"And lo, thou schalt be doumbe, and thou schalt not mowe speke, til into the day in which these thingis schulen be don, for thou hast not beleved to my wordis, whiche schulen be fulfild in her tyme.

WICKLIFFE: "And Y am sent to thee to speke and to evangelise to thee these thingis."Luk, i, 15.

hir ma'tie in tyme to cum eftir the completing and solemnization of the said mariage other of gifts dispositiones graces privileges or vtheris sic thingis quhatsumevir sal be alsua subscrivit be the said noble prince and duke for his interesse in signe and taken of his consent and assent y'rto as her ma'ties husband.

Likas it is alsua aggreit and accordit be the said noble prince and duke that na signateurs tres nor writingis othir of giftis dispositions graces priviledges or others sic thingis concerning the affairs of the realme sall be subscrivit be him onlie and w'tout hir ma'ties aviss and subscription and giff ony sic thing happin the samyn to be of nane availl.

This clerk, knawin us richt desirous of sic uncouth thingis, came haistely, and opinit it iwith all circumstance afore rehersit."

There is such a thingis there not?as a morbid humility?

A man may be in jail, or be in a house, but when the act of entrancethe movement of something from the outside to the inside of another thingis related the correct word is into if the latter thing is named.

11 examples of  thingis  in sentences