179939 examples of think in sentences

There was once a haberdasher's wife (Mrs. Nairne) who locked up her apprentice girl, and starved her to death; but did ever any body think of abolishing haberdashery on this account?

He, who would see it flourish and bring forth its proper fruit, must not think it sufficient to let it shoot in unrestrained licentiousness.

Do you think he will come this way?" Twice he had been arrested as a spy, and hastily condemned to be shot.

III.The Re-Taking of Mansoul Now, as you may well think, long before this time, word was carried to the good King Shaddai that Mansoul was lost, and it would have amazed one to have seen what sorrow and compunction of spirit there was among all sorts at the king's court to think that the place was taken.

III.The Re-Taking of Mansoul Now, as you may well think, long before this time, word was carried to the good King Shaddai that Mansoul was lost, and it would have amazed one to have seen what sorrow and compunction of spirit there was among all sorts at the king's court to think that the place was taken.

My foolish embarrassment, I suppose, was the cause of what followed; for he came and took my hand, saying, "I do think that whoever has once seen Miss Anville must receive an impression never to be forgotten.

" "Do you think, now, if he were to rise again from the grave that you would know him?"

There was nothing so very remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to himself: "Oh, dear!

The Antipathies, I think" (she was rather glad there was no one listening this time, as it didn't sound at all the right word).

" The March Hare took the watch and looked at it gloomily, then he dipped it into his cup of tea, and looked at it again, but he could think of nothing better to say than "It was the best butter, you know.

"Yes," continued Felicite, "I think of going shortly to the Tulettes, and I wished to know if Charles were here, to take him with me.

Think a little of that, my child.

You are greatly concerned about what I think; you would like well to make me think as you do!"

" "Do you think you're any better for not going?"

"I don't think that name would suit, he said.

" "I didn't think there were highwaymen about here.

Still, if you think it best, I will carry a pistol.

Your husband wasn't so poor as you think.

"He is a carpenter," continued the squire, "and, as we have none in the village except old Mr. Wade, who is superannuated, I think he will find enough to do to keep him busy.

Think over my proposal coolly, and you will see that you are unreasonable.

I don't think he is in the village.

We think we have satisfied all the requirements of reasonable conviction, and confidently await the verdict of that select few who may feel interest in this purely literary investigation.

Think of fellows looking on, smoking, chaffing, busy with something else.

Unfortunately, the greater number decide on nothing, prefer not to think, turn their eyes away from the future, blinded by the hope that what they have seen and suffered will not recur.

I think we'll be fine now."

179939 examples of  think  in sentences