50 examples of thitherwards in sentences

Now, in a while, being come to the brow of a hill, needs must my Beltane pause to look back upon the woodlands he had loved so well and, sighing, he stretched his arms thitherward; and lo! out of the soft twilight of the green, stole a gentle wind full of the scent of root and herb and the fresh, sweet smell of earth, a cool, soft wind that stirred the golden hair at his temples, like a caress, and sowas gone.

But, as for Beltane, he leaned a while against the tree as one who is very faint; yet soon, lifting heavy head, wondered at the hush of all things, and looking toward the clearing saw it empty and himself alone; therefore turned he thitherwards.

Now, looking north, Beltane beheld afar a fiery gallows that flamed to heaven, and from the town thitherward came a confused hum of the multitude who watched; but hereabouts the town seemed all deserted.

But as he stared wildly about him, he presently heard a muffled cry, and spurring thitherwards, beheld two dim figures that swayed to and fro in a fierce grapple.

Now as the mists cleared, looking thitherward, Beltane stared wide-eyed to behold wooden towers in course of building, with the grim shapes of many powerful war-engines whose mighty flying-beams and massy supporting-timbers filled him with great awe and wonderment.

"Master," he cried, "yonder flaunteth Pertolepe's banner, beseech thee let us make thitherward" "Not so," quoth Beltane, stooping 'neath the swing of a gisarm, "O forget thy selfish vengeance, man, and smite but for Pentavalon this dayher foes be many enow, God wot!

Wending our way thitherward, we found the very picture and ideal of a country-church and church-yard.

'I rely much on you,' said he; 'lead your men thitherward and attack them from that side.

" "Thitherward is Providence leading us," replied Mr. King.

To this Foliot said: "Lady, wait until the morning, which is near at hand, for it is too dark for you to go thitherward at this present."

Below that castle, where the road leads into that woodland, there doth he lurk to seize upon wayfarers who come thitherward.

[Sidenote: Sir Tristram proclaims his degree] Now by this Sir Marhaus had caught sight of Sir Tristram where he stood in that field, and so presently he came riding thitherward to meet Sir Tristram.

So ere he returned to the court of King Arthur he had first of all to go thitherward.

That time they came thitherward the day was declining toward its close, so that all the sky toward the westward shone, like, as it were, to a flame of goldexceedingly beautiful.

[Sidenote: The knight telleth his story] To this the knight said: "I will tell you; it was thus: Two days ago I came thitherward and past yonder castle, and with me were two excellent esquiresfor I am a knight of royal blood.

Now whilst Sir Percival sat there resting and refreshing himself in that wise, there appeared of a sudden coming thitherward, a tall and noble knight riding upon a piebald war-horse of Norway strain.

360 They saw, and thitherward they bent their way

Wedg'd close, and serried, swarms the crowd Beneath the weight the walls are bow'd Thitherwards streaming far, and wide, Broad Hellas flows in mingled tide tide

Among many wonderful stories related of this mirror, it was fabled that the spirits of all the doctor's deceased patients dwelt within its verge, and would stare him in the face whenever he looked thitherward.

It is in this sense that the Atheist looks on good as 'the final goal of ill,' and believing that that goal will be reached the sooner the more strenuous the efforts of each individual, he works in the glad certainty that he is aiding the world's progress thitherward.

A few wallaby were started in this, but we obtained none; and seeing a group of rich-looking eucalypti and tea-trees, some of us bent our steps thitherwards, and found a small stream of fresh water, which filtered itself through the sand towards the beach.

See, she advances with one hand armed with Justice, while the other points to that exquisite symmetry half revealed, as if beckoning thitherward her children back again to the pure founts of life!

Thus, looking out upon truth from the cave of his brother's need, and seeing the direction in which the shadow of his atheism fell, the minister learned in what direction the clouded light lay, and turning his gaze thitherward, learned much.

Centralisation may no doubt go too far, but in the other extreme may lie the gravest danger, and rushing thitherward the South was blind to the risk.

If the 'coach' had any enthusiasm it was for mathematics, and thitherwards Terry's brain was undeveloped.

50 examples of  thitherwards  in sentences