60 examples of thorough-going in sentences

If a minister would arrogate to himself his free-born privilege of being a thorough-going man, many of his troubles would disappear.

" The Bavarian soldiers in Gerbéviller were not only murderersthey were incendiaries, even more deliberate and thorough-going than the soldiers of Von Kluck's army at Senlis.

" Though Mr. Crawley was so loyal a supporter of the regent of Barracombe, yet John's projected improvements were far too thorough-going to gain the approval of the pottering old retainers of the Crewys family, though they were unable to question his knowledge or his judgment.

The population of the district seems greatdense; many of the people round about the church stand singularly in need of entire acres of virtue, some of them are thorough-going heathens, and think heathenism a rather jolly thing at times.

I don't mean by that that he isn't a tophole man, or a thorough-going friend with guts and gumption, who would chance his neck for anyone he likes without a second's hesitation, for he's every bit of that.

Under the cover of the fat, thorough-going bacterial decomposition of the proteins may be accomplished with the final release of highly poisonous products.

In regard to the popular gods Anaxagoras was a thorough-going unbeliever.

The most thorough-going refutation of them is given by Hume in his Essay on Suicide.

The case is not altered by particular and partial exceptions; taken as a whole, women are, and remain, thorough-going Philistines, and quite incurable.

Mr. F. Simpson, a thorough-going sportsman of the good old type, had been out one day in the Koosee derahs; he had had a long and unsuccessful beat for tiger, and had given up all hope of bagging one that day; he thought therefore that he might as well turn his attention to more ignoble game.

We are not blind to the philosophical difficulties which the thorough-going implication of design in Nature has to encounter, nor is it our vocation to obviate them.

What then is to be the future of the great mass of laborers unless a thorough-going system of industrial and vocational training is made possible?

Both of them too, were thorough-going Protestants, and though Churchmen, walked sometimes into the Brianite Chapel of an afternoon, and thought it no sin.

But he has the thorough-going Turk's idea of married life.

In the work of Nehemiah the prophet's hopes were in part fulfilled, but the larger fulfilment of the underlying principle was realized in the thorough-going reformatory work of John the Baptist and in that of the Great Teacher.

Geroit Mor is perhaps the most important chief governor who ruled Ireland upon thorough-going Irish principles.

And I myself venture to state what the true spirit of loyalty is by defining the term thus: By loyalty I mean the thorough-going, the voluntary, and the practical devotion of a self to a cause.

Loyalty I therefore defined as the thorough-going and practical devotion of a self to a cause.

The converts that will be made by it, we have no doubt, will be not only numerous, but thorough-going.

A thorough-going Bibliolater will have to impeach me as a sinner on this count.

In his admiration of her thorough-going earnestness, Albert forgave her devotion to domestic pursuits and the arts of dress and ornamentation.

Russian Bolsheviks held the headlines on revolutionary activity from 1917 to 1943 but it should not be forgotten that one of the most prolonged and thorough-going revolutions of the present century gripped Mexico from 1910 to 1917.

To be a thorough-going anti-slavery man was the stubborn test of qualifications for a delegate.

Now, though it has failed to satisfy the more thorough-going Prohibitionists, it embraces a complete and elaborate system of local option.

Worked in conjunction with a law for the inspection of machinery and a thorough-going system of factory inspection, it has lessened accidents without leading to litigation.

60 examples of  thorough-going  in sentences