26 examples of thought-transference in sentences

Until more recent years, it was not permitted to listen to or show any disposition to investigate the narratives of phenomena which have since been "explained" and reduced to such legalized causes as hysteria or hypnotism, and even (of late) to thought-transference.

Are not hysteria, hypnotism, and thought-transference of the nature of epicycles?

" Thought-transference, however, promises to be a potent and popular solvent of psychic problems.

Thought-transference was a supremely ludicrous supposition till comparatively recently; nor could there be any credible testimony for what was known antecedently to be quite impossible.

But some way or other, facts which demanded a name were forced upon the direct observation of science, and so Mr. F. Podmore has written a book in which, assuming thought-transference to be a scientifically recognized possibility, he proceeds to reduce many of the marvels collected by the S.P.R. to that simple and obvious cause, and to reject the residue on the sound old principle that what is known to be impossible cannot be true.

But is not thought-transference itself lamentably unscientific?

At all events, science has seen something very remotely analogous to thought-transference and every whit as unintelligible and antecedently incredible till observed; and therefore it is permissible to listen to the evidence for it, and forced thereto, to accept the fact.

"Not deer-skin," says science, "but amber; not miracle, but faith-cure; not prophetic insight, but thought-transference; not apparition, but hallucination."

Thought-transference is a sufficiently ascertained phenomenonthe insistence of a conscious mind upon a certain fact until it penetrates the unconscious mind of another and is adopted as its own.

"Newton's experience," Wanhope continued, "but we must wait for a good many cases of the kind before we can accept what I may call metaphantasmia as being equally established with thought-transference.

That there was no sort of sleeping thought-transference, no metaphantasmia, noExcuse me.

I shall compare, as I have already said, the ethnological evidence for savage usages and beliefs analogous to thought-transference, coincidental hallucinations, alternating personality, and so forth, with the best attested modern examples, experimental or spontaneous.

This gentleman was persuaded that instances of 'thought-transference' (not through known channels of sense) occurred between the patient and the magnetiser, and he also believed that he had witnessed cases of 'clairvoyance,' 'lucidity,' vue à distance, in which the patient apparently beheld places and events remote in space.

He describes his precautions to avoid vulgar fraud, but he took no precautions against unconscious thought-transference.

But these facts and facts of clairvoyance and thought-transference will be rejected as superstitious delusions by people who have not met them in their own experience.

Now nobody has any doubt on these matters, and clairvoyance, thought-transference, and telepathy may, not inconceivably, be as fortunate in the long run as meteorites, or as the more usual phenomena of hypnotism.

In years to come it may be that only some similar belated voice will cry that in thought-transference there is nothing but malobservation and fraud.

Next, if the supernormal phenomena (clairvoyance, thought-transference, phantasms of the dead, phantasms of the dying, and others) be real matters of experience, the inferences drawn from them by early savage philosophy may be, in some degree, erroneous.

Nay, we have even experimental evidence, in experiments in thought-transference.

The distinction between this form of thought-transference and clairvoyance.

The important part it plays in telepathy and thought-transference.

This lesson is really a little manual of practical instruction in Mind-Reading, and the higher phases of Thought-Transference.

The renewed interest in the subject, of late years, has directed the public mind to the phenomena of telepathy, and, consequently, more persons are now taking note of the cases of thought-transference coming under their personal notice.

Telepathy, meaning Thought-Transference, bears a misleading title.

For, while ordinary telepathy plays an important part in the phenomena, still the higher form of telepathy, i.e., astral thought-transference, is frequently involved.

26 examples of  thought-transference  in sentences