1987 examples of thoughtful in sentences

It was the face of a girl who was so gentle, so thoughtful for others, so quick to perceive, so quick to do; who was so fond of his sister, and so beautiful.

He rambled on, telling his story almost unconsciously, getting more thoughtful as he advanced into it, relating carefully the absurd episode of the hermitage in which, to emulate the piety of the old time, he chose Castle Island as a suitable spot for him to live in.

The estimation in which "woman's work for woman" is held by our more thoughtful colored students, will be shown by some extracts from an address by a graduate of Tougaloo University in Mississippi.

The thoughtful observer will be easily convinced that the careful and proper education of girls is the first step in the solution of this problem.

Surely we can depend upon those who love God and their country for thoughtful remembrance and ready response.

Although he was at the head of another department of A.M.A. work, we always knew that we had in him a kind and thoughtful friend, and one who would cordially co-operate with the other officers in their far-reaching plans for the development of the work, even though it added to his cares and burdens in gathering the funds necessary to carry out these plans.

He seemed sad and thoughtful, and would never after plead a cause at the bar.

When he parted from his dear cousin, Joseph Whitall, they were both young men of good moral characters, but not seriously thoughtful concerning religion.

That night they designed to murder their two companions, and slept till midnight in the bower, thinking to fall upon them in their sleep: not were the honest men less thoughtful concerning them; for at this juncture they were coming to find them out, but in a much fairer way.

This child of joy was a woman of deep and thoughtful sorrows, brooding in solitude over high resolves and passionate aspirations.

Mr. Fotheringay was abstracted and thoughtful all that day, and performed no miracles except certain provisions for Winch, and the miracle of completing his day's work with punctual perfection in spite of all the bee-swarm of thoughts that hummed through his mind.

"I could show it to Jessie," he said, thoughtful as ever of others.

BY EDMONDO DE AMICIS Leyden, the antique Athens of the north, the Saragossa of the Low Countries, the oldest and most illustrious of the daughters of Holland, is one of those cities which make you thoughtful upon first entering them, and are remembered for a long time afterward with a certain impression of sadness.

"And still through streets re-echoing with trade Walk grave and thoughtful men Whose hands may one day wield the patriot's blade As lightly as the pen.

I thanked him sincerely for his thoughtful kindness, and said that I would hear it in mind.

But as far as life goes, any thoughtful and intelligent man who has lived and reflected is in a sense a specialist.

The voices of the English poets and writers form but one note in a mighty chorus of witnesses whose testimony it is impossible for any thoughtful person to ignore.

The effort to do so should be made by our spiritual leaders, and when made will result in a sturdier and more thoughtful religion.

He could not fancy the life of a farmer, though nothing would have pleased Mr. Pitcairn more than to have the strong, thoughtful boy prepare himself to become his successor in the management of the thrifty and well-kept place.

What then should be the attitude of a thoughtful man toward this liberation of an instinctthat is to say, toward the game or sport or habit of hunting to kill?

And that relief made me thoughtful of the lives of men who labored, who were chained by necessity, by duty or habit, or by love, to the hard tasks of the world.

As she looked into the street, her face was seen to have a sad and thoughtful expression.

"I need you; and I will be as tender and thoughtful a husband as I will be ardent as a lover.

He has especially profited from the two most thoughtful historians, Tacitus and Plutarch; but, though a philosopher familiar with these authors might have dispensed with many others, he neglected nothing that could be of use.

The Preacher in charge sat at his right hand, wearing a thoughtful mood.

1987 examples of  thoughtful  in sentences