4 examples of three-times in sentences

Heatherbloombelonged in the rear, and, no doubt, the prince had continued to be a daily, or twice, or three-times-a-day visitor to Miss Van Rolsen's elegant, if somewhat stiff, reception rooms.

But he cautioned the team against carelessness, predicted a tied score at the end of fifteen minutes, and called for three-times-three for Hillton, which was given with reviving enthusiasm.

apparently the remains of the Seven Young Men sprinkled along both sides of the tablewith here and there "a three-times skimmed sky-blue" interposed; on each side of the Lord of the Mansion, a philosopheron each hand of the lady, a poetsomewhere or other about the board, a Theatrical Stara Strange Fiddleran Outlandish Travellerand a Spanish Refugee.

No, no, my Romeo, I may be a fool, but I'm not quite such a three-times-distilled imbecile as that amounts to.

4 examples of  three-times  in sentences