Do we say through or thru

through 94515 occurrences

Pico della Mirandola tells that the mere sound of the monk's voice, startling the stillness of the Duomo, thronged through all its space with people, was like a clap of doom; a cold shiver ran through the marrow of his bones the hairs of his head stood on end while he listened.

It may also be remarked that those peculiarities in the hands and feet which I have mentioned as reminding us of Donatelloa remarkable length in both extremities, owing to the elongation of the metacarpal and metatarsal bones and of the spaces dividing these from the forearm and tibiaare precisely the points which Michelangelo retained through life from his early study of Donatello's work.

It has been suggested, with great plausibility, that this Cupid was the piece which Michelangelo began when Piero de' Medici's commission fell through, and that it therefore preceded the Bacchus in date of execution.

I have thought it worth while to introduce this general review of Michelangelo's habits, without omitting some details which may seem repulsive to the modern reader, at an early period of his biography, because we ought to carry with us through the vicissitudes of his long career and many labours an accurate conception of our hero's personality.

In reality he left it as he found it; but Soderini, seeing the marble dust fall scattering through the air, thought that his hint had been taken.

To indulge this craving, he gathered round him a band of demigods and Titans, led by Bramante, Raffaello, Michelangelo, and enjoyed the spectacle of a new world of art arising at his bidding through their industry of brain and hand.

IV I judged it needful to anticipate the course of events by giving this brief history of a work begun in 1505, and carried on with so many hindrances and alterations through forty years of Michelangelo's life.

The Sultan indeed besought him with most liberal promises, through the means of certain Franciscan friars, to come and construct a bridge from Constantinople to Pera, and to execute other great works.

Condivi says that "he had hardly begun painting, and had finished the picture of the Deluge, when the work began to throw out mould to such an extent that the figures could hardly be seen through it.

We have few documents to guide us through the period of time which elapsed between the first uncovering of Michelangelo's work on the roof of the Sistine (November 1, 1509) and its ultimate accomplishment (October 1512).

When we consider, then, the magnitude of the undertaking, the arduous nature of the preparatory studies, and the waste of time in journeys and through other hindrances, four and a half years are not too long a period for a man working so much alone as Michelangelo was wont to do.

All through his life, Michelangelo adopted the plan of keeping a young fellow to act as general servant, and at the same time to help in art-work.

I have gone these twelve years past drudging about through Italy, borne every shame, suffered every hardship, worn my body out in every toil, put my life to a thousand hazards, and all with the sole purpose of helping the fortunes of my family.

On their way, the little town of Prato was sacked with a barbarity which sent a shudder through the whole peninsula.

The journey that could be made, to day, in about thirty hours, took me ten days: and I spent near a month in going through the necessary forms, and in otherwise settling my affairs at the west, as that part of the State was then called.

What if the Fatherland was led astray From homely paths, the scene, of childlike gambols, Lured to pursue Ambition's naughty way (And incidentally make earth a shambles), All through a wicked Kaiser Are they, for that blind fault, to brutalize her? Just when we hoped the past was clean forgot, They want us to restore their goods and greenery!

They had him appointed Regimental Educational Officer (without increase of rank, pay or allowances) on the spot, and would he get on with it, please, and indent through them for any materials required in the furtherance of the good work?

Dear Sir,I wish to protest through your columns against the outrageous behaviour of the drivers of public air conveyances on the Brighton Front.

Men of ferocious concentration and women detestable in their purposefulness were to be seen through the passing windows.

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I IN THE NIGHT PART II THREE HUMAN HEARTS PART III THE VICTORY 'How I have wept, the long night through, over the poor women of the past, so beautiful, so tender, so sweet, whose arms have opened for the kiss, and who are dead!

By courtesy of the librarian, Mr. William P. Rich, we have made large use of the famous Davenport herbarium in the Massachusetts Horticultural library, and through the kindness of the daughter, Miss Mary E. Davenport, we have freely consulted the larger unmounted collection of ferns at the Davenport homestead, at Medford, finding here a very large and fine assortment of Botrychiums, including a real B. ternatum from Japan.

The Adder's Tongue Family (Ophioglóssum, Botrýchium) has simple spore cases without a ring, and discharges its spores through a transverse slit (Fig. 6).

The camel through the needle's eye.

thru 95 occurrences

Life and Expression By exercise of its faculties the spirit grows, just as a muscle grows strong thru continued use.

And the summing up of this sermonette is that all men are equally rich, only some thru fate are able to muster their mental legions on the plains of their being and count them, while others are never able to do so.

The object of the professional managers of the fair is to make money for themselves, and this they do thru the guaranty of the merchants, or a percentage on concessions, or both.

For a thousand years the Devil crouched On the white hot flags of hell: For a thousand years the Devil cursed The imps that had chained him well; For a thousand years the Devil sulked And planned with his hell-trained brain Of the things he'd do, when his term was thru, And freed from the blistering chain.

In the seven days that I toiled below When I builded the seas and lands, There was much to do, and I didn't get thru And one place unfinished stands.

"Mr. Buttling Sees It Thru, H.G. Wells.

552 The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes PART I Jagor's Travels in the Philippines CHAPTER I

[Extravagant Spanish claims thru ignorance.]

" [Suffering and law-breaking thru the monopoly.]

[Doubling of insular revenue thru tobacco.] Let this be as it may, certain it is, that to Governor Basco we are indebted for having doubled the annual amount of the revenue of these Islands, by merely rendering the consumption of tobacco subservient to the wants of the crown.

" This is the way it runs in the first version; but you will want to read it also in its complete form: Zekle crep' up quite unbeknown, An' peeked in thru the winder, An' there sot Huldy all alone, 'ith no one nigh to hender.

Fayetteville suffered all thru the war.

Just before the Battle of Prairie Grove the Federal men came thru.

He asked Mrs. Blakeley if he couldn't leave his pistols with her until he came back thru Fayetteville.

Their mother came to Mrs. Blakeley to complain, but she told her after hearing her thru that I had stood all I could and the only reason I hadn't been seriously hurt was because her children weren't good shots.

I sat right down to the same table after they was thru.

James Kendall (A); 6Aug65; R365778. KENDRICK, BAYNARD H. Death beyond the go-thru.

Thru the dye tube.

Bing Crosby and the Bing Crosby style: Crosbyana thru biography-photography-discography.

Thou art not dead, but flown afar, up hills of endless light, thru blazing corridors of suns, where worlds do swing of good and gentle men, of women strong and freefar from the cozenage, black hypocrisy and chaste prostitution of this shameful speck of dust!

For I would go a further while with you, And drain this cup so tantalant and fair Which meets my parched lips like cooling dew, Ere time has brushed cold fingers thru my hair!

Joseph S. Cotter, Jr. A PRAYER As I lie in bed, Flat on my back; There passes across my ceiling An endless panorama of things Quick steps of gay-voiced children, Adolescence in its wondering silences, Maid and man on moonlit summer's eve, Women in the holy glow of Motherhood, Old men gazing silently thru the twilight Into the beyond.

Ther' are critters so base thet they want it explained Jes' wut is the totle amount thet we've gained, Ez ef we could maysure stupenjious events By the low Yankee stan'ard o' dollars an' cents: They seem to forgit, thet, sence last year revolved, We've succeeded in gittin' seceshed an' dissolved, An' thet no one can't hope to git thru dissolootion 'Thout sonic kin' o' strain on the best Constitootion.

Some want we should buy all the cotton an' burn it, On a pledge, when we've gut thru the war, to return it, Then to take the proceeds an' hold them ez security For an issue o' bonds to be met at maturity With an issue o' notes to be paid in hard cash On the fus' Monday follerin' the 'tarnal Allsmash: This hez a safe air,

Folks wun't take a bond ez a basis to trade on, Without nosin' round to find out wut it's made on, An' the thought more an' more thru the public min' crosses Thet our Treshry hez gut 'mos' too many dead hosses.

Do we say   through   or  thru