145 examples of thunderous in sentences

So saying, Sir Benedict fell upon his knee before that great assemblage and caught Beltane's hand and kissed it; whereon, from those gleaming ranks rose a deep and thunderous shout while lance and spear-head flashed again.

Came a roaring crash beneath whose dire shock Sir Pertolepe's ranks were riven and rent asunder, and over and through their red confusion Sir Benedict rode in thunderous, resistless might, straight for where, above their mid-most, close-set ranks, fluttered and flew Sir Pertolepe's Raven banner.

Upon his right hand Sir Brian rode and upon his left his chiefest esquire, and oft needs must they wheel their chargers to front the thunderous onset of Red Pertolepe's fierce van, at the which times Sir Benedict laughed and gibed through his vizor as he thrust and smote left-armed, parrying sword and lance-point right skilfully nevertheless, since shield he bare none.

Vivid fan-shaped flashes stabbed the sky, the bright moonlight of the East did not dim the guns' lightning, and their thunderous voices were a challenge the enemy was powerless to refuse.

That hill-top at this period had to submit to a thunderous bombardment, and the Mosque of Nebi Samwil became a battered shell.

Are they to be swashbucklers and bullies?" "Very decidedly not, sir," replied the superintendent in a voice almost thunderous.

He indulged in a few German expletives, bombastic and thunderous, which relieved him so much that he was able to conclude his speech in English.

And the mouth of this Pit was one full mile across, and the smoke of the Pit filled the Valley at times, so that it seemed but as a glowing red circle amid dull thunderous clouds of redness.

Lady, I bear no high resounding lyre To hymn thy glory, and thy foes appal With thunderous splendour of my rhythmic ire; A little lute I lightly touch and small

And he who brings the stars into the street And builds that shining ladder for our feet, Dwells in no mystic Abora aloof, But shares the shelter of the common roof; He learns great metres from the thunderous hum, And all his songs pulse to the human beat.

Retracing his footsteps toward the Falls, he saw, to his great disgust, as he approached the spot where he had left Grandison, the familiar form of his servant stretched out on the ground, his face to the sun, his mouth open, sleeping the time away, oblivious alike to the grandeur of the scenery, the thunderous roar of the cataract, or the insidious voice of sentiment.

It wouldn't be until after the marriage was an accomplished thing, its first desires satisfied, its first tension relaxed, that the story of her adventure would begin to loom black and thunderous over the horizon of his mind.

Several times she was startled to momentary attention by the prolonged series of sharp cracks which heralded the thunderous crash of a falling tree.

" What a myriad choir and thunderous song.

At first the very evident enjoyment of his son and heir, as Jarley listened to his goings-on in the nursery, amused him more or less; but his quiet smile soon turned to one of blank dismay when he heard a thunderous roar from Jack, followed by a crash of glass.

And then there arose in the far northeast a faint rumbling which rushed swiftly onward toward the southeast, growing, louder as it came, and breaking over Cedar House in a thunderous roar.

Both were white to the lips; their sky, the moment before so clear and still, was now black and thunderous with a frightful storm.

"Why in the world should it mean rain?" Her small, pale face looked suddenly brilliant and enchanted, tilted up to meet the thunderous music that was swinging nearer and nearer.

The boiling of the iron and the tumult of the blast made a thunderous accompaniment to Horrocks's voice.

Many streets consisted of nothing but avenues between heaps of roaring ruins; the sound of the fire being nothing less than that of hundreds of furnaces, mixed up with splittings, rattlings, and thunderous falls; and the flame blowing frightfully one way, with a wind like a tempest.

I never before heard a 'thunderous sigh'; but I had read of them in poetry.

My batman has learnt, after three years of war, to subdue feet which were intended by nature to be thunderous.

On such occasions, some of us would quietly steal away up into his garret, and roll down over the stairs, with a thunderous uproar, a huge gilded ball which had decorated a post outside a tavern where he formerly dispensed much "fire water," to the impoverishment of his customers and to the enrichment of himself.

Fifteen secondsseventeeneighteen With that a puff of air seemed to rise, and on it the most awful bellow of thunderous roar.

The crest, a horse shoe, was indeed azure, but the blue of this and of the coats of the serving-men only deepened the thunderous effect of the black.

145 examples of  thunderous  in sentences