2155 examples of ticket in sentences

Enough to buy a ticket East.

"I'll buy my ticket for Havana in the morning," he replied.

and she's very finely dressed, only somehow she's not the ticket, you see.

" "Oh, she's not the ticket?" says the Colonel, much amused.

125th St. and Third Avenue, Harlem; 338 Fulton | | St., Brooklyn: Depots foot of Chambers Street, and foot of | | 23d St., New York; and the Agents at the principal hotels, | | travelers can obtain just the Ticket they desire, as well as | | all the necessary information.

Instead it struck Porfirio Diaz's name from its ticket and tendered to Francisco Madero, Jr., not the vice-presidential but the presidential nomination.

Sujit bought me a bus ticket to Mumbai and dropped me off at the bus station as well.

Earlier Grandpapa had brought me to the railway station by cab after making me double-check that I had my ticket, sufficient cash, little tidbits to eat and my water bottle filled for the long journey ahead.

I was completely unaware of the procedure, that while in Goa the ticket collector comes to you and sells you the ticket in the bus, in Chennai one has to go to the conductor (who is seated at the end of the bus) and buy the ticket.

I was completely unaware of the procedure, that while in Goa the ticket collector comes to you and sells you the ticket in the bus, in Chennai one has to go to the conductor (who is seated at the end of the bus) and buy the ticket.

I was completely unaware of the procedure, that while in Goa the ticket collector comes to you and sells you the ticket in the bus, in Chennai one has to go to the conductor (who is seated at the end of the bus) and buy the ticket.

The undertaker followed my instructions, for undertakers get to be as mechanical as shoemakers or ticket-sellers; but the relations of the Parasangs and close friends at home thought it an odd thing to have done.

There was no record of her name at any ticket office; no state-room had been reserved by, or for her; in fact, telegrams to officials in Chicago and other points west failed to elicit satisfactory information of any kind.

Just as he reached the ticket window, the pursuing vehicle stopped below.

The intent is to servenot to pull you this way and that, and sell you a ticket over a certain road.

it was quite time to remember that you had a ticket for the opera.

The only thing I can think of for me to do is to get engaged and hock the betrothal ring for a meal ticket.

The justice of the peace that always ties her nuptial knot told her that if she bought a ticket she could save 50 cents per wedding and he would hand it to the happy bridegroom as her dowry.

The only thing she knows about England she learned at a Burton Holmes lecture that she got into on a ticket she found in the subway.

Think of me, and I after losin' my return ticket to Carlow, and I must be there to-night even if I have to walk every step of the way.

And haven't you the price of your ticket?

NAGLE The devil a penny at all have I, and unless I can sell my watch to buy my ticket with, I'll lose my job, and then my wife and family must go to the workhouse.

How much will your ticket cost? NAGLE Ten shillin's, and I'm willin' to part with my watch for that triflin' sum, though 'twas my poor father's, rest his soul.

All I got on your old suit of clothes was five shillin's, and if you don't believe me look at the ticket.

(Hands ticket)

2155 examples of  ticket  in sentences