8066 examples of tie in sentences

Here is another telling specimen about the same height, 426 years old, whose trunk is only six inches in diameter; and one of its supple branchlets, hardly an eighth of an inch in diameter inside the bark, is seventy-five years old, and so filled with oily balsam, and so well seasoned by storms, that we may tie it in knots like a whip-cord.

Many a time, where the slopes are far lower, I have been compelled to take off my shoes and stockings, tie them to my belt, and creep barefooted, with the utmost caution.

"Sing a song, Bibbs!" cried one voice; "Where's your neck-tie?" asked another; "What are you grinning at?" demanded a third; while the object of these pleasantries stood, with a vacant smile upon his face, nervously fumbling with his watch-chain.

"That's a safe feelin' to tie to," said Penelope with an approving smile; "for character is the only thing we've got to carry with us when we go.

He didn't wait to cross and tie the thongs.

Anna followed a few paces, and then sat down on the snow to pull up and tie her disorganized leg-gear.

"Down from Dawson?" asked the bartender hurrying forward, a magnificent creature in a check waistcoat, shirt-sleeves, four-in-hand tie, and a diamond pin.

Why, Seignior, I can tie a Crevat the best of any Person in Naples, and I can comb a Periwigand I can Doct.

Bring, here...................Tie-de-kruk.

Go away, to ebb...............Tie-ire-duk.

Hunting.......................Shuk-tie, also Layik-shuk-tie.

Hunting.......................Shuk-tie, also Layik-shuk-tie.

Dickens, who had watched the actual working of a Kindergarten, gave warm support to the new ideas, and wrote an excellent article on "Infant Gardens" for Household Words, urging "that since children are by Infinite Wisdom so created as to find happiness in the active exercise and development of all their faculties, we, who have children round about us, shall no longer repress their energies, tie up their bodies, shut their mouths....

You saw and wondered how he was made: the parting of his hair, the tie of his white neckcloth, the fit of his trousers, all perfect as works of art; but you could see how they were done, which makes all the difference.

In what way?" asked the Reverend Silas Collingham, a typical English cleric, with a rubicund face and square-cut white whiskers, dressed in a suit of black serge, and wearing the professional white tie.

He wore a tight frock coat and an immaculate white tie; under his arm he carried the regulation portfolio, or lawyer's bag, stuffed full of reports, dispositions, and documents dealing with cases in hand.

I laid awake a long while tryin' to figger out a way to block his game, but the only thing I could think of was to tie him up and wear out a cinch on him.

She could not be content to receive them quietly, but was stimulated to throw herself too much into the tie, into the hour, till she filled it too full for them.

The quiver of Cupid, suspended to a tree, gives sportive grace to the scene which softens the tragedy of a breaking tie.

The elaborate tie of the cravat is most becoming.

There is a little bit of a tie between each of these hearts and mineand the least mistake on my part severs it forever; so I have to be exceedingly careful what I do and say.

S.B. To Fettle, v. a. To tie up.

Iffen dey had known how to tie a hangmans knot I wouldn't be here to tell you about it.

As a preventitive against being tricked or hoo-dooed, punch a hole through a dime, insert a string through the hole, and tie it around the left ankle.

I've seen 'em tie the women up, strip 'em naked to their waist and whip 'am till the blood run down their backs.

8066 examples of  tie  in sentences