11 examples of tile in in sentences

We were desired to mount a ladder to a loft like a corn-floor, badly tiled in, and divided into four parts by boards about five feet high.

Croesus, king of Lydia dedicated a hundred golden tiles in the same place with a golden altar: no man came empty-handed to their shrines.

Its treasures include a very early Norman font, curious pewter communion vessels, a squint having an almost unique axis, some ancient bench ends and medieval tiles in the chancel.

The like Christian courage was in Luther when his friends dissuaded him to go to Worms: "If all the tiles in 'Worms' were so many devils (said he) yet would I go thither in the name of my Lord Jesus."

Entering Pevensey Castle by the main gateway, you stand on the site of the Roman city of Anderida, of which many evidences remain in the shape of Roman cement and tiles in a wall which surrounds the enclosure.

"And if it goes like that," said she, quickly, "it goeth like a tomcat mollrowing on the tiles in the middle of the night.

You bundle of rags, without a tile in your roof to call your own!

Many of those I have examined renting for forty to sixty dollars per month give no more space for the money, only a little better finishmarble and tile in the bath-room, for instance.

The floors I abhor, made of red tiles in the shape of Mrs. Quincy's floor-cloth tiles.

To be sure, I tell her that the hotel is as ugly as only an English architect could make it; that the blue tiles in the dining-room would make of it a fine natatorium, if they would only shut the doors and turn in the waternothing convinces her that English hotels are not jellied nightmares.

I then walked to Passya matter of two kilometresand by four o'clock I had the satisfaction of stowing the papers safely away under one of the tiles in the flooring of my room, and then pulling the strip of carpet in front of my bed snugly over the hiding-place.

11 examples of  tile in  in sentences