51 examples of timar in sentences

Timar's Two Worlds Maurus Jokai, by common consent the greatest Hungarian novelist of the nineteenth century, was born at Komarom on February 19, 1825.

The name of the captain is Michael Timar.

A woman's voice answered Timar's "good-morning," and the dog raised no objection to the captain going indoors.

Presently Timar was back again with Euthemio and Timéa, and now a young girl appeared, whom the housewife called Noemi.

" Trikaliss looked very gloomy when he heard the stranger had left before sunrise, and the following night he called Timar to his cabin.

On the advice of his friend, Lieutenant Katschuka, who was betrothed to Athalie, Timar purchased the sunken grain next day when it was put up for auction, buying the whole cargo for 10,000 gulden.

" Timar at once made arrangements for hauling up the sacks, and for the immediate drying and grinding of the corn, and all day labourers were at work on the wreck.

At nightfall Timar, left alone, noticed one sack differently marked from the restmarked with a red crescent!

"To whom does this treasure belong?" Timar put the question to himself, and answered it.

" From that day all Timar's undertakings flourished, and step by step he reached the summit of an ordinary successful business man's ambition the title of nobility.

At the same time Brazovics, who had treated Timar with brutal inconsiderateness because of the wreck of the St. Barbara, went steadily down-hill, borrowing and embezzling trust monies in his fall.

When the Brazovics' house was put up for sale Timar bought it outright, furniture and all, and then said to Timéa, "From this day forth you are the mistress of this house.

On his betrothal to Timéa a great burden was lifted from the soul of Timar.

Only Timar forgot that he had demanded in exchange the girl's heart.

Timéa promised to be a faithful and obedient wife, but on the wedding- day when Timar said, "Do you love me?"

she only opened wide her eyes, and asked, "What is love?" Timar found he had married a marble statue; and that all his riches would not buy his wife's love.

So no news concerning the island ever went to Vienna, Komorn, or Constantinople, and the fact of Timar's great prosperity had not reached the islanders.

He was welcomed as a hard-working man, and Therese did not know that Timar had been powerful enough to get a ninety years' lease of the island from both Turkish and Austrian governments; perhaps no very difficult matter, as the existence of the island was unknown, and there were fees to be paid over the concession.

And now on this island Timar found health and rest.

Am I to tell him that I hate him, I who owe everything to him, and who brought him no dowry but a loveless heart?" Timar learnt from Athalie, who lived in Timéa's house, of this reply, and felt more in despair than ever.

It was winter, and Timar had gone off alone to a house that belonged to him near a frozen lake.

In Brazil he had heard a story of Ali Tschorbadschi's jewels from an old criminal from Turkey, and he had returned to blackmail Timar.

And now it seemed to Timar that his own career was finished.

Timar fled to the ownerless island, and when the corpse of Krisstyan was discovered, in an advanced stage of decomposition, Timéa declared she recognized her husband's clothes.

Forty years have passed since Timar's disappearance from Komorn, and the island is now a complete model farm.

51 examples of  timar  in sentences