33 examples of timberlands in sentences

We have been deciding, and the decision is not yet fully made, whether the future shall suffer the long train of ills which everywhere has followed, and must always follow, the abuse of the forest, or whether by protecting the timberlands we shall assure the prosperity of all of the users of the wood, the water, and the forage which our forests supply.

It is necessary that we preserve, protect, and expand our timberlands.

The forests of western Washington and Oregon, unlike most timberlands of the Rocky Mountain Region, are as dense as any forests in the world.

The ability of a properly managed forest to produce new crops of trees year after year promises us a future supply of wood sufficient for all our needs if only we will conserve our timberlands as they deserve.

Several of the States, including New York and Pennsylvania, have purchased large areas of timberlands for State forests.

The forests include 1266 irrigation projects and 325 water-power plants, in addition to many other power and irrigation companies which depend on the Government timberlands for water conservation and the regulation of rain water run-off and stream flow.

They can grow healthy trees if all disease germs are kept away from the timberlands.

These thick, dense timberlands extended westward to the prairie country.

Farms and settlements had to be hewed out of the timberlands, and the forests seemed inexhaustible.

It did not manage any of the Government timberlands because there were no forest reserves at that time.

Thereafter the Department of the Interior had active charge of the timberlands.

No great additions to the government timberlands have been made since that time.

Changes in our present methods of taxing timberlands must be made to encourage reforestation.

Even Russia takes care of her national timberlands and annually draws enormous incomes from their maintenance.

These timberlands return a net income of from $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 a year.

The timberlands must be protected against forest fires.

It ravages the future production of the timberlands.

They should be cut under conditions which will protect the best interests and production of the timberlands.

Wasteful lumbering finally sapped the resources of these productive timberlands.

It is time that the present owners of the land begin the reclamation of our 326,000,000 acres of cut-over timberlands.

Everyone has learned to respect the timberlands.

Some of the northern timberlands have grown crops of saw timber and wood pulp for from one hundred fifty to two hundred fifty years.

" They rode across the beautiful Blue Mesa, and entered the timberlands, following a ranger trail through the shadowy silences.

The shadowy caverns of the timberlands, touched here and there with a ray of sunlight, thrilled to the creeping fingers of the cold.

She had thought that the Blue Mesa and the timberlands were more beautiful than ever that spring, but to think that the neighboring cabin would be vacant all summer!

33 examples of  timberlands  in sentences