1609 examples of timidest in sentences

I like to know what two observing eyes saw and the feelings that sometimes made the timidest heroessometimes cravens.

And it was this consideration which eventually determined the decision of the House, Mr. Disraeli, who closed the debate on his side, condemning the conduct of the ministers as "perplexed, timid, confused, wanting in dignity and self-respect.

The young woman at once mentioned The Bull, and thereupon a little embarrassed consultation in undertone seemed to pass between her and the old man, resulting in a timid question as to whether Narcissus would mind putting up with them, as they were poor folk, and could well do with any little he cared to offer for his accommodation.

it is she who presses close to him with the timid appeal of a fawn.

" Señor Rodriguez started toward the closed door just as there came a timid knock from the hall.

"Because," said the Colonel, deliberately, "that statement is infamouslyyes, damnably to your discredit, sir!" Mr. Hotchkiss was here seized by one of those important and inconsistent rages which occasionally betray the habitually cautious and timid man.

And yethe had entered it with an uncertainhe might almost saya timid step.

Can any one then fear a man who was as timid as this man in upholding his party, that is, in upholding his own fortunes? XXX.

A bond for ten millions of sesterces was entered into in the women's apartment, (where many things have been sold, and are still being sold,) by his ambassadors, well-meaning men, but timid and inexperienced in business, without my advice or that of the rest of the hereditary friends of the monarch.

" As he spoke a timid knock was heard at the door, and a voice without exclaimed, in accents of the utmost trepidation, "Are you there, Leonard?Robbers are breaking into the house.

Thus the thirsty child believes it desires its milk of its own free will, and the timid one, that it freely chooses to run away (Ethica, III. prop.

Less generous men, with a selfish interest in established privileges; timid men, who looked with terror upon any prospect of change; older and wiser men, who better understood the foundations of social order and the nature of manall these looked with distrust upon the revolutionary idealism that was spreading from France through the younger generation of Englishmen.

Carlyle described him in 1824 as having "a pair of strange brown, timid, yet earnest-looking eyes."

exclaimed the timid lady.

The first impulse of the timid childand she yielded to itwas to retire swiftly.

She could put everything in order for him, binding little nosegays for his table, changing them as they withered, and he did not come back, preparing something for him every day, and leaving some timid mark of her presence near his usual seat.

With the same child's heart within her as of old, even as with the child's sweet, timid eyes and clustering hair, Florence, as strange to her father in her early maiden bloom as in her nursery days, crept down to his room and looked in.

She had grown to be seventeen; timid and retiring as her solitary life had made her, it had not embittered her.

A timid grace sits trembling in her eye, 8.

His after-history proves him to have been alike an incapable diplomatist, a timid leader, and a false and fickle friend; but as yet no suspicion of his courage or good faith had been entertained by any party, and he was consequently the centre around which rallied every cabal in turn.

If a pupil happen to be naturally timid, there should certainly be no austerity of manner to embarrass his diffidence; for no one can speak well, who feels afraid.

In this festive garment, so different from his usual attire, the grim tyrant was ill at ease, secretly anxious, almost timid.

414-5; iii. 86; uneasy with him, i. 426; a timid boy in his presence, ii. 382, n. 1; iii. 93, n. 1; on better terms with him, iii. 93, 95, 108, 212, 368, 442; dulls his faculties by strong beer before him, ii. 382, n. 1; Johnson, reproached by him as regards, ii. 381,72.

And then, when the truth was dawning on them all, and there were exclamations of wonder, a pretty scene suddenly presented itself, for the old lady, who had entered with the timidest courtesy, slipped down on her knees before Tommy and kissed his hand.

"Why didst thou dare the thorns of the grove, Timidest trespasser, huntress of love?

1609 examples of  timidest  in sentences