111 examples of tinking in sentences

Every time the Indians would make a charge at us, the darkeys would cry out: "Heah dey cum;" "Dey must be ten thousand ob 'em;" "De whole country is alive wid 'em;" "Massa Bill, does you tink we is eber agoin' to get out o'

We don't begin ter understan' how ter live up ter our privilegus, friens, an' I'se bowed in shame as I tink how de dear Lord's heart must ache as he sees how little we'se appresheatin' his lovin' kindness.

"Ah! Monsieur, you tink to be varry conning; mais you not so conning as Kookoo, no;" and the inquisitive little man would shake his head and smile, and shake his head again, as a man has a perfect right to do under the conviction that he has been for twenty years baffled by a riddle and is learning to read it at last; he had guessed what was in 'Sieur George's head, he would by and by guess what was in the trunk.

So vat chew 'tink 'bout zat?" "N-n-not t-t-too m-m-much," answered Elephant in a high pitched voice.

" "And you think, then, that your master was really bitten by the beetle, and that the bite made him sick?" "I don't tink noffin about itI nose it.

"I am tinking, massa, dat my missus be quite ober-much-come at de sight of dis little sea-flower.

"Does she not make a grand figure-head!" "Figure-head!" exclaimed Vingo; "I am tinking, young massa, if dis 'ere head ob mine had not been made so solid like, 'spressly for figuring, dat it been a powerful time

But see here, missy," said he, holding up a fresh cod which he had taken, "I'm tinking dat make massa Harry's eyes sparkle.

"My poor ole man gabe it to me, de last time I sees him, and he takes anoder like it, and say, 'Phillis, we will keep dem; dey's not quite as 'spressive as de garultypes ob missus's, but when you sees dat, you may know dat old Bingo am tinking ob you.

Bimeby Cap thought,'Ef massa come an' ketch him!'an' put down de pipe an' went to work, and bimeby I smelt mighty queer smell, massa, 'bout de house, made him tink Ol' Nick was come hissef for Ol' Cap,

"What is your opinion of men, Ardelia?" "I tink dey's all right in dey place.

"You tink he's dead?"

Said he, "In slavery time we work even wid de whip, now we work 'till betterwhat tink we will do when we free? Won't we work den, when we get paid?"

I tink you got goot luck by losing dem.

"Vat for you tink I vant you in on dis, you svine?

4. Correct the division of the following words, and give to n before k the sound of ng: "ank-le, bask-et, blank-et, buck-le, cack-le, crank-le, crink-le, east-er, fick-le, freck-le, knuck-le, mark-et, monk-ey, port-ress, pick-le, poult-ice, punch-eon, qua-drant, qua-drate, squa-dron, rank-le, shack-le, sprink-le, tink-le, twink-le, wrink-le."Cobb's Standard Spelling-Book. 5.

O me fain understand that, and if he do all things you say he do, surely he hear me say O to him; he makee me good if I wish to be good, he no kill me if I love him; me tink, believe him great God; me say O to him, along with you, my dear.

De Lord he come To set de people free; An' massa tink it day ob doom, An' we ob jubilee.

Dat some day we be free; De Norf-wind tell it to de pines, De wild-duck to de sea; We tink it when de church-bell ring, We dream it in de dream; De rice-bird mean it when he sing, De eagle when he scream.

We know de promise nebber fail, An' nebber lie de word; So, like de 'postles in de jail, We waited for de Lord: An' now he open ebery door, An' trow away de key; He tink we lub him so before, We lub him better free.

Tink-a-diddle-diddle-diddle, Tink-a-diddle-diddle-dum" "Rap louder," I said.

Tink-a-diddle-diddle-diddle, Tink-a-diddle-diddle-dum" "Rap louder," I said.

"Somebody's coming," observed Mount "Tink-a-diddle-diddle" The door opened and a lean, dark-faced man appeared, dressed in his smalls and shirt.

But ef you seed dem putty white han's ob hern you'd never tink she kept her own house, let 'lone anybody else's.

" "You mus' tink I's one ob de born fools, Miss Mirimy, to bl'eve all dat stuff!

111 examples of  tinking  in sentences