193 examples of to-be in sentences

And shall not We, when Life's short span, Enveloping the Yet-To-Be Smiling candescent?Nay?Ah!

Will Rheid found her in time to persuade her to let him milk Brindle, for he was really afraid he would get his hand out, and it would never do to let his wife do all the milking when his father bequeathed him a fifth of his acres and two of his hardest-to-be-milked cows.

The fact that we agreed to pay in advance unheard-of wages, ten times the usual amount earned by laborers in this vicinity, that we added offers of the precious coca leaves, the greatly-to-be-desired "fire-water," the rarely seen tobacco, and other good things usually coveted by Peruvian highlanders, had no effect in the face of the terrors of the mountain.

But perhaps you don't care to be reminded of the Holofernes' days, and nothing remains of the old laudable profession, but the clear, firm, impossible-to-be-mistaken schoolmaster text hand with which is subscribed the ever-welcome name of Chas.

It was Sarah Bernhardt's first season in Londonthe never-to-be-forgotten season of the Comédie Française.

Helen Heath appeared to be one of those gay, not-to-be-heart-broken damsels who can drink forever of this dangerous and exhilarating cup without showing symptoms of intoxication.

I went last night with Grandfather and Aunt Hattie to the reception; and Mother said I looked very sweet, and any-father-ought-to-be-proud-of me in my new dress.

Let the Winson Invincibles equal the All Muggleton C.C., while the Edgeworth Daisy Cutters shall be represented by Dingley Dell; then sing us, thou divine author of Pickwick, the glories of that never-to-be-forgotten day.

It was to be a beautiful, a never-to-be-forgotten moment for you both.

This interesting national tribute stands at the west end of the town of Carmarthen, rising ground, and is erected in memory of the gallant Sir Thomas Picton, who terminated his career in the ever-to-be-remembered battle of Waterloo.

" Just two months before the marriage, Wagner had written to Frau Wille, who had invited him and his wife-to-be to visit her, an account of his feelings in the matter, which is beautiful enough and sincere enough to quote at some length: "Certainly we shall come, for you are to be the first to whom we shall present ourselves as man and wife.

" I have never heard that hard-to-be-met argument so well answered as by a woman physician, who gave these reasons to her patient, one of the overdevoted ilk.

But for the never-sufficiently-to-be-condemned handwriting of Dr. Bunker, the prescription offered no difficulty.

Allow me to remind you that we are spinsters; born and enforced, and decently-to-be-buried spinsters.

No passionate apostrophes of his golf stockings come to my mind, nor wistful recollections of the trousers he wore on that never-to-be-forgotten afternoon.

He was evidently unhappy and obviously striving-to-be-Goodand he had such beautiful eyes, dressed so tastefully, and looked at one with such a respectful devotion and regard, that, reallywell, it added a tremendous savour to life.

Piled on a tray they were brought to the surprised little bride-to-be on the afternoon of the party.

Among them were the fireworks, the masks and other appliances for commemorating the never-to-be-forgotten 'Gunpowder treason,' and a couple of large balls of a dark-colored cord sometimes used by costers for securing their loads.

In some never-to-be-explained manner, however, the frightened Sam suddenly lost his balance in the tossing racing boat, and, clawing desperately at her bulwarks to save himself, shot over the side.

His history was written in general but not-to-be-misunderstood terms all over his face.

The youth is a To-Be-Ruler of many people, a Maharajah of India.

The groom-to-be wrote to a friend in Hiroshima: "Find me a wife."

In those not-wholly-to-be-discommended days, the residue of the meal was consumed in the servants' hall, and the scraps bestowed on the poor at the gate; and the last part of the business was carried out, not as a matter of chance or caprice, but on as methodical a principle as the payment of a poor-rate.

Here she tasted the first sweets of her coming Queendomholding her Courts, to which distinguished Poles and Frenchmen flocked to pay homage to the Empress-to-be, and having daily conferences with Radziwill, who treated her as already a Queen.

"My ancient and very-much-to-be-respected ancestor sleeps," said Pak Chung Chang.

193 examples of  to-be  in sentences