240 examples of to agree with in sentences

Sometimes I am inclined to agree with you that he had no nerve for murder.

The valley grew more lovely as we progressed, with the winding Néez stream running with merry music beside the road, and although Mrs. Blunt did not indulgeas on the way to Cauteretsin any raptures of her own, she was quite willing to agree with the rest that the frequent resemblance of the scenery to many of the lovely bits we have in Wales was most pleasantly apparent.

This must have been Kant's feeling when he said: 'A lie is the abandonment, or, as it were, the annihilation of the dignity of man.'" Dr. Martineau is not so rigid a moralist but that he is ready to agree with those easy-going theologians who find a place for exceptional falsehoods in their reasoning; yet he is so true a man in his moral instincts that his nature recoils from the results of such reasoning.

He seems to agree with me in general views upon the subject of our policy towards the native States.

" Arf-a-dozen of 'em all began speaking at once, but Bill Chambers gave 'em the wink, and pretended to agree with 'im.

he said, "the humble pupil acting as a Committee of One has failed utterly to agree with himself as to the form of his new flowerbed.

It did not seem to agree with him.

He called Burke a "bottomless Whig" in this sense, implying that Whiggism meant anarchy; and in the next generation a good many people were led, rightly or wrongly, to agree with him by the experience of the French revolution.

Half the other fourth of the citizens were disposed to agree with the majority, but very shame kept them silent.

" "I haven't a doubt of it," returned Upton, with whom it was a settled principle of life always to agree with his better half.

No Doctor as yet, for he that the Captain went to agree with was a drunkard and an extortioner, so we are better without him than with him.

Oddly, the floe temperature seems to agree with that on Wind Vane Hill, whilst the hut temperature is always 4° or 5° colder in calm weather.

It is well, my child, and appears to agree with youyou are as fresh as a rose of the morning.

or, that a noun cannot be put in the first person, so as to agree with I or we?

18.Nouns used adjectively are not varied in number to agree with the nouns to which they relate, but what is singular or plural when used substantively, is without number when taken as an adjective: as, "One of the nine sister goddesses.

In all other cases, a fondness for foreign manners, and the power of custom, have given a sanction to the use of you, for the second person singular, though contrary to grammar, and attended with this particular inconveniency, that a plural verb must be used to agree with the pronoun in number, and both applied to a single person; as, you are, or you were,not you wast, or you was.

The critical reader will see that "seems" should be seem, to agree with its nominative "ruins.

*** Much relief is felt at the announcement that rather than endanger the Allies' "solidarity" Lord LANSDOWNE has promised not to agree with President WILSON again.

"Because it is not likely to agree with your own ideas.

His nature lacked, however, the sweet sympathetic qualities that characterised Lincoln; and while to a large body of his fellow-citizens he commended himself for sturdiness, courage, and devotion to the interests of the state, he was never able for himself to overcome the feeling that a man who failed to agree with a Jackson policy must be either a knave or a fool.

I think those who know most of literature will be readiest to agree with meto say anything new in recommendation of literature in a scheme of education.

[A few misprints in the above have been corrected in square brackets to agree with B.] THE ELDER BROTHER: VARIANTS IN THE EGERTON MS.

Everyone will be disposed to agree with what Johnson wrote of him: "Let not his frailties be remembered; he was a very great man.

She remained silent for a moment, and lifting her lashes said, "Father always seemed to agree with you, and that"she hesitated.

To consent is to agree to a proposal; to assent is to agree with a proposition.

240 examples of  to agree with  in sentences