2402 examples of to attend in sentences

more women spectators are likely to attend five years from now.

General Ord, commanding the Department of the Platte at the time, and who had been out on the Alexis hunt, had some business to attend to at Fort McPherson, and I accepted his invitation to ride over to the post with him in an ambulance.

MR. PUNCHINELLO having been invited to attend and address the Capital Removal Convention (so called) held in Cincinnati, wrote a letter declining to be present, upon the ground that he was exceedingly comfortable where he was.

This turn comes once a month, and the member is obliged to attend, or send another in his place.

The governor sent the burgesses a message to attend him in the council chamber below, on public business, and when they came, he addressed them on the Indian troubles, specially denouncing the murder of the six chiefs in Maryland, though Colonel Washington, who commanded the forces on that expedition, was present.

Education is free throughout the entire primary system, a course of seven years, between the ages of seven and fourteen, when the law prohibits the employment of children in any occupation, and requires them to attend school at least thirty hours a week for twelve weeks each year in the country and fifteen weeks in the cities.

" "They must be trusted, they have to attend to everything.

He then summoned us to attend in the Capitol, and at that temple he did arrive himself, coming up through some mine left by the Gauls.

"It is not age," she said, "that has thus prostrated me, but the hard work and increasing anxieties of thirty years of authorship, during which my poor labors were all that my dear father and mother had to look to; besides which, for the greater part of that time I was constantly called upon to attend the sick bed, first of one parent, and then of the other.

To this at last I unwillingly consented: the summons had to be taken out at(that is where this aggravating man is living), and this entailed two journeys from Eastbourneone to get the summons (my personal presence being necessary), and the other to attend in court with the solicitor on the day fixed for hearing the case.

"I have been told by my parents and also by Joshua Stafford, the oldest son of Mr. Stafford, that one Sunday morning on the date as related in the story previously Mrs. Stafford and her 3 children were being rowed across the Potomac River to attend a Baptist church in Virginia of which she was a member.

Hence he made the island public property and despatched Cato, very loath, to attend to its administration.

My nephew left me two persons to attend me; one of them was his servant, and the other clerk to the purser, who engaged to be mine.

I was called up a little after five to attend upon my daughter-in-law.

Once upon a time a man was setting out in his best clothes to attend a village meeting.

I mentioned the circumstance on my return, and found that the nuns of the hospital had their mass performed by a priest who had not taken the oaths, and that those who were suspected of going to attend it were insulted, and sometimes ill treated.

My friends wished me to attend a Presidential reception; but it was useless to see Mr. Lincoln on the business which brought me to Washington, and I did not care to see him on any other.

The members of the society have a small chapel, not adequate to the accommodation of those who desire to attend it, belonging to the Methodist persuasion; but its minister is afraid to encounter the difficulties and delays which would be consequent upon an attempt to enlarge it.

In the midst of the whirl I was called away to Paris to attend, with Herbert Burrows, the great Labour Congress held there from July 15th to July 20th, and spent a day or two at Fontainebleau with H.P. Blavatsky, who had gone abroad for a few weeks' rest.

A young boy is trying to gain his father's permission to attend an evening entertainment with some other boys.

One far-away brother was informed by letter, and he came over a long, rough road to attend the Lord's table.

But the abuse does not seem to have been satisfactorily corrected till the time when Charlemagne formally substituted for the body of the freemen, who in theory were supposed to attend the placita and assist in the judgments, a limited number of men who, as regularly constituted judges, either assisted the judices or made judgments of their own, as the case might be.

There is one firm of lawyers in London who allow their typists to attend the Law Courts, and give them work to do which is usually reserved for men.

When, upon the vacancy of a preferment, he was hardly drawn to attend upon some promising lord, he received the usual answer, "That he came too late, for it had been given to another the very day before."

Well, Laura, off we all set into the kitchen, and sent off the hired men with the flys, and every servant we had in the house, male or femaleand Grand's men tooexcepting sister's little maid to attend to Dorothea.

2402 examples of  to attend  in sentences