82 examples of to be interested in in sentences

"I'm bound to be interested in you, but I suppose you're not bound to be interested in me," she observed resignedly.

And, despite the weary ache of a hardship-tortured body, she began to be interested in his search.

Those Gold Dust Twins were older than most of the fellows at camp and now that they had something special to be interested in, I could see that they were pretty game.

You see, we're mighty curious about the family, because we've acquired their old home, and are bound to be interested in the people that used to live there.

I was too much engrossed in my work to be interested in a runaway wife.

A reader cannot be expected to be interested in ideas which are not presented intelligibly to him, nor delighted by art which does not touch him; and for the writer to imply that he furnishes arguments, but does not pretend to furnish brains to understand the arguments, is arrogance.

We saw that for one class only to be interested in these rights was not enough, and we wished to make them a benefit to every man in the country, and to replace the old Constitution by one which should give a common and universal right to all men to vote, without regard to the tongue they speak or the Church at which they pray.

Another inventive genius springs up and asserts that he has discovered a shoe that will cure all sorts of diseased feet; and brings at least a bushel basket full of letters from persons he declares to be interested in the horse, confirming what he has said of the virtues of his shoe.

He seemed to be interested in something a great way off.

There goes the signaland now for a hard-fought race.' Lesbia pretended to be interested in the racingshe pretended to be gay, but her heart was as heavy as lead.

"Mr. Moffatt!" Moffatt, who appeared to be interested in the bust, glanced over his shoulder without moving.

When Raymond ceased to be interested in her conversation she had concluded it was the way of husbands; but since then it had been slowly dawning on her that she produced the same effect on others.

Grandma arrived at home before sunset, too excited to be interested in dairy matters.

This resolute refusal to be interested in or to take account of current modes of thought has been considered by some to detract from his eminence.

"Because he spends a good deal of his time here; he seems to be interested in Miss Whitney.

With a fierce effort I tried to escape from my entrancement, to be interested in these unreal shadows whose voices seemed to come to me from a distance, and to make my glance forget the door, where the one reality in the world for me, my unspoken lover, should have appeared long since.

"You seem to be interested in that play.

The artists who came seemed to be interested in my work, especially in the "Bed of Ferns," of which Rossettiwhose opinion I valued more than any other, for he was very honest and blunt in his criticisms, and not at all inclined to flatteryexpressed himself in strong terms of praise.

But very soon he came to be interested in something else, and I never gave Edie another thought until one day she just took my life in her hands and twisted it as I could twist this quill.

Will your Majesty graciously allow them to see it?" "I have no objection to that," said the Queen; "and indeed I shall be very glad if they can be made to be interested in the museum.

They do not seem to be interested in what we have to offer them.

We should always remember that, however unpleasant in countenance and manners that bashful boy in the corner may be, or however repulsive in appearance, or unhappy in disposition, that girl, seeming to be interested in nobody, and nobody appearing interested in her, they still have, each of them, a mother, who loves her own child, and takes a deep and constant interest in its history.

To live as they lived, to be interested in the things that interested themfor the house seemed filled with books and picturesto love nature, to love each other, and to think well of their fellow-beings, even of the super-richseemed to me to be an object for which a man of my temperament should be willing to strive and thankful to win.

Altogether this was a priest different from any he had ever met withGuglielmi hated priestshe began to be interested in Fra Pacifico.

In short, he seemed to be interested in all my movements.

82 examples of  to be interested in  in sentences