1260 examples of to make them in sentences

But thank God, who has put into the hearts of Christian people the tendency towards Godjust in the same way does good company tend to make men good; high- minded company to make them high-minded; kindly company to make them kindly; modest company to make them modest; honourable company to make them honourable; and pure company to make them pure.

In the course of this examination, the recent tracks of a number of wild horses were discovered, and fresh excitement was felt by the whole party, for all were desirous to attempt the capture of these most valuable animals; and they resolved, on this occasion, to make them the chief objects of their pursuit.

You cannot lock up or fine a hundred thousand men, and if you could you would still be unable to make them work.

Only, in order to throw the examiners off the track and if possible to make them abandon the policy of exclusion which they seemed to have adopted toward the "Passage of the Red Sea," Marcel, without in any way disturbing the general scheme of his picture, modified certain details and changed its title.

Unless you do it to make them betterto do it just to do itthat doesn't seem right to me.

De Gama ordered all the children belonging to the Moors to be taken on board one of his own ships, and vowed to make them all friars in the church of our Lady at Belem, which he afterwards did.

The Senate at this time were so base and so filled with terror, that on one occasion a mere word of accusation from the freedman of an Emperor was sufficient to make them fall upon one of their number and stab him to death upon the spot with their iron pens.

They are well arranged, and the antiquity of the burial grounds, and the historic memories connected with the tablets, combine to make them of more than ordinary interest.

It took a deal of time, for I wrote in the smallest possible characters, and was careful to make them legibleno small task, considering that the vessel was still rolling and pitching, although it grew calmer toward morning.

The truth is, as Boswell explains, that the sage's uncouth habits, such as turning the candles' heads downwards to make them burn more brightly, and letting the wax drop upon the carpet, "could not but be disagreeable to a lady.

This was taken as a reflection on the standing of the blacks of the city and tended to make them refuse to coöperate with the white board.


Besides this, I arrived at an unexpected perfection in my earthen-ware, and contrived well enough to make them with a wheel, which I found infinitely easier and better; because I made things round and shapable, which before were filthy things indeed to look on.

" "I wonder," suggested a very little Fairy, scarcely grown to her full size, "why you don't just give your Godchildren moderate good health, and enough money to make them quite comfortable without puzzling them?"

If you undertake to water a garden, you are giving to the thirsty plants that which they need to make them grow and thrive; and when it is promised that the person who does this shall "be watered also himself," the meaning is that he shall have given to him all that is most important to supply his wants, and make him happy.

To prevent the holes from choking up he found it expedient to make them larger on the outside than on the inside, and he also found that the machine worked better if the barrel was not kept too full of seed.

The inhabitants here were very little better, though intermixed with the Muscovites, but the wonder will cease, when I inform my readers of what was observed to me, that the Czar rather converts the Tartars with soldiers than clergymen, and is more proud to make them faithful subjects, than good Christians.

When they passed under our rule, it was soon found that it was impossible to make them understand such an institution as trial by jury; they throve best under the form of government to which they had been immemorially accustomeda commandant to give them orders, with a few troops to back him up.

The only way to save these choice things was to make them suddenly take the white veil from the whitewasher's brush.

And the singers, whom you do not mention, someone may ask, will it be possible to make them sing true, to put them in tune?

The French generals had just sent them 30,000 crowns for present supply, which heartened them a little, but had not the truce been made as it was, they must have surrendered upon what terms the Spaniards had pleased to make them.

We likewise continued looking at them, endeavouring by friendly signs to make them come towards us without fear, which however they declined.

Chance is to make them king, and chance to crown them, without their stir!

Powdering every timeand sucking her lips to make them redand twisting her neck aboutugh!

A sales manager of a prominent institution said lately that the chief difficulty that he had with his men was to make them always tell the truth.

1260 examples of  to make them  in sentences