40853 examples of to see in sentences

Would you like to see the pictures, sir?" "Yes, I should like to see them," said Mr. Fontaine softly.

You might wish to see it taken down, but you felt that it was upon an elevation.

He said he had monsieur's orders to see to in the laboratory.

Glad to see you, Mas'r Davy, you're the first of the lot!

I should like to see the gravestones which have been disturbed all removed, and the ground levelled, leaving the flat tombstones; epitaphs were never famous for truth, but the old reproach of "Here lies" never had such a wholesale illustration as in these outraged burial-places, where the stone does lie above, and the bones do not lie beneath.]

I visited him in prison, And did with much adoe win from Don John This journey, for I vowd to see th'event How they will deale with him.

Thou hast more yet to see than thou wottest of, and the time is short.

Lady Lesbia lay in her curtained cabin, with Kibble keeping watch beside her bed, while Maulevrier came in every half-hour to see how she wassitting by her a little now and then, and talking of indifferent things in a low kind voice, which was full of comfort.

It breaks my heart to see you looking so earnestly and expectantly into my future.

For what was ever better worth going to see, or better worth hearing, than the contest of two consummate orators in a most important cause, inflamed and sharpened by private enmity?

Then Bronson and I went together to see the Ladleys on Sunday morning, and as they needed money, they agreed.

It was easy to see what they were quarrelling about.

Of the past she had thought, and of the future, and most of all of the living present: the night before, and that evening, when he was coming to see her again and would have things to tell her.

But with advancing years she had lost in some measure the faculty of nice discrimination,it was pleasant to see her victims squirm, whether they were fools or friends.

And to his amazement he began to see that just as up-town offered the rivals of luxury, pleasure, and ease, so down-town offered the rivals of intemperance, grinding poverty, ignorance.

They had no wish to see good money spent for a dog that no one could eat.

"After my father bought his own farm about ten miles from the big house, father would put us all in an ox wagon and take us back to see our white folks.

Once upon a time a party of three or four men went to a village to see if a certain girl would make a suitable bride for the son of one of their friends; and while they were talking to her, another young woman came up.

'For 'tis the sport to see the engineer Hoist with his own petard.' "Again, 'Look on this picture, then on that!

I can no longer endure to see these ungainly masses of everything that is corrupt and diseased in mankind; and when I think about them in a general way they seem to me like wild animals bound by a chain, so that they cannot even vent their rage freely.

But even he fell into line with Crowe and Cavalcaselle in ascribing the picture to Titian, failing to see that all difficulties of chronology and discrepancies of judgment between himself and the older historians could be reconciled on the hypothesis of Giorgione's authorship.

It was only by accident that Sime happened to see one."

If you'd a-happened to be Jonesy, and Jonesy had a-happened to 'a' been you, I reckon you'd feel it was pretty tough to see such a big difference between you.

"I advise you," said my brother-in-law, "to take a rest too; it won't make much difference to Goethe whether you go to see him or not, and there's nothing remarkable to see in him anyway."

Sorrow and suffering, lack and weakness, though plain to see upon them both, had not yet greatly dimmed their beauty.

40853 examples of  to see  in sentences