71 examples of to shock in sentences

If you want a book, which is not occasionally to shock, you should not have thought of a tale which was so full of anthropophagi and wonders.

If I should call on the viscountess (the Lady Juliana, who yet survived an ancient dowager of seventy), I shall want your attendance, and in your present garb you cannot fail to shock her delicate feelings.

"I am shocking you, and I didn't want to shock you," she cried, almost wildly.

"I am very sorry to shock you, Mr. Allen," replied Mercy, in a gentler tone.

This princess Henry purposed to marry; but as she had worn the veil, though never taken the vows, doubts might arise concerning the lawfulness of the act; and it behoved him to be very careful not to shock, in any particular, the religious prejudices of his subjects.

He must have been a very foolish person to set his will against that of the Emperor.' I had seated myself, sick and dazed, upon the settee, for scenes of bloodshed were new to me then, and this one had been enough to shock the most hardened.

Her Mad Month (HUTCHINSON) is funny without being flippant, and although the heroine is very naughty she is never naughty enough to shock her creator's unhyphened namesake.

Two great names may be selected, Heraclitus and Democritus, because they did more perhaps than any of the others, by sheer hard thinking, to train reason to look upon the universe in new ways and to shock the unreasoned conceptions of common sense.

Quick from my sight, you inauspicious monsters; Nor dare, henceforth, to shock Irene's walks.

(He who has mark'd that wild, distracting mien, Which for this Count immortal Reynold's drew, When bitter woe, despair, and famine keen Unite in that sad face to shock the view, Will wish, while gazing on th' appalling scene, For pity's sake the story is not true.

So, in their ways, are all cranks and eccentrics, all whose set purpose is to astonish or to shock.

" The doctrine is, of course, perfectly outrageous, and specially calculated to shock people who like to keep it for their private use, instead of proclaiming it in public.

It is, however, equally plain that an alliance with a foreign fiddler was certain to shock British respectability.

That same fire peaceably lurks in the veins of flints, and expects to break out, till the collision of another body excites it to shock cities and mountains.

But the adult who enters into such conversation with a child must be careful not to shock and profane, instead of nurturing the soul.

"He didn't mean to shock you oror offend you.

He wrote nothing to shock the sensibilities of his wife's worlda few fantastic short stories, touched with a certain childish spirituality, and that was all.

We took care not to shock the feelings of the females by letting them know the tragedy so lately acted in the village, or horrify them by telling them that one of their carriers was the murderer!

I have been as sparing as possible, however, and trust I may have committed no enormities to shock Romance scholars.

A common method of making tests upon the resistance of wood to shock is to support a small beam at the ends and drop a heavy weight upon it in the middle.

Compassion's mighty fine; A gentle feeling, who would wish to shock it?

There is nothing in the scenery of all Italy to shock your love of beauty from the staid to the original.

This seemed to shock and distress the people, and for the first time during the whole ceremony there were sounds of crying and exclamations of grief heard among them.

The French carry an edge to their fighting, a precision, and a dreadful knowledge coupled with an insensibility to shock, unlike anything one has imagined of mankind.

She will have it there was malice in inciting her to shock old friends and annoy youa sort of attempt to sympathize her into opposition.

71 examples of  to shock  in sentences