690 examples of toad in sentences

sapo, m., toad, large toad. saquear, to plunder, pillage.

sapo, m., toad, large toad. saquear, to plunder, pillage.

He sat up in bed with a jump like a hop-toad, and looked first at one and then at the other of us.

In this it differs a good deal from the toad, and there is significance in the difference.

The "heavy-gaited toad," satisfied with sour ants, hard beetles, and such other fare as it can easily pick up, and grown nasty in consequence, so that nothing seeks to eat it, has hobbled through life, like a plethoric old gentleman, until the present day, on its original feet.

there appears a plain foot, with its five digits, each of several joints, tipped with clawsnowise essentially different, in short, from that with which the toad, or frog, first set out in a past too distant for our infirm imagination.

"Horrid little pretentious toad!"

Toad and spider, dirty water, Rusty nails, and nine charms more.

This state of mind would probably continue till the irritation of enemies and the encouragement of friends convinced him that what he had at first exhibited as an idle fancy was in fact a very valuable discovery, or "like the toad ugly and venomous, had yet a precious jewel in its head."

But I'm not one of thewhat I call dumpy-toad-in-the-hole ones.

Behind them, seated side by side, poring over a manuscript entitled "Blank Verse, by Toad and Frog," are a toad and frog which the Key states to be Lloyd and Lamb.

Behind them, seated side by side, poring over a manuscript entitled "Blank Verse, by Toad and Frog," are a toad and frog which the Key states to be Lloyd and Lamb.

It was in reference to this picture that Godwin, on first meeting Lamb, asked him, "Pray, Mr. Lamb, are you toad or frog?" Page 21.

Don't know what it means!" croaked Sticky-toes the Tree Toad, over and over again.

Just tell me how it is that I hear my own voice when I don't speak a word," said Sticky-toes the Tree Toad.

And if Sticky-toes the Tree Toad sat all night with his mouth shut tight, how could the voice of Sticky-toes be heard in an altogether different tree than the one Sticky-toes was spending the night in?

Then it was that they heard the voice of Sticky-toes the Tree Toad.

XVI UNC' BILLY POSSUM DOES A LITTLE SURPRISING HIMSELF When Unc' Billy Possum first heard what sounded like the voice of Sticky-toes the Tree Toad, he had thought, just as Peter Rabbit did, that Sticky-toes was over in an alder tree on the other side of the Laughing Brook.

" He said that to himself and quite under his breath, for all the time that Peter Rabbit and Sticky-toes the Tree Toad were whispering together, Unc' Billy Possum was stealing away under the alder bushes.

Just as soft-footed as before, he crept along in the darkest shadows, until he was right under the alder tree from which the complaining voice of Sticky-toes the Tree Toad seemed to come.

" So off the two started to see old Mrs. Possum, and for the rest of that night Sticky-toes the Tree Toad listened in vain for the sound of his own voice when his lips were closed tight.

Then Sticky-toes the Tree Toad had been accused of being noisy, when all the time he was sitting with his mouth closed as tight as tight could be.

Just then the voice of Sticky-toes the Tree Toad began to Croak "It's going to rain!

Why, when neither the common toad or frog are indigenous in Ireland (for the latter, though common enough now, was only introduced at the beginning of last century) a comparatively rare little toad, the Natterjack, should be found in one corner of Kerry to all appearances indigenously?

I strove to be civil, yet he embarrassed me before the others, babbling of petty matters interesting only to those whose taste invites them to go burrowing in parish records and ill-smelling volumes written by some toad-eater to his patron.

690 examples of  toad  in sentences