174 examples of toddles in sentences

He toddles if his steps are short, uneven, and unsteady, like those of a child.

Co-operation by B and C Flights." Lieutenant Maude, commonly known by a loose association of ideas as Toddles, buried a heightened complexion in a plate of now tepid soup.

"Oh, but, Toddles," came a voice, "think how pleased old Fritz will be to see you.

Don't you love searchlights, Toddles?

" Toddles stretched out an ominous hand towards the siphon, and was only deterred from his fell intention by the entry of the C.O. "Oh, Grigson," said the C.O. pleasantly, "the Wing have just rung through to say they want that raid done at once, so you might get your man up toute suite.

" Toddles was exactly halfway through his fish.

Now, though Toddles has never to my knowledge appeared before the C.O. at dead of night attired in pink silk pyjamas, begging with tears in his eyes to be allowed to perform those duties which the dawn would in any case impose upon him (this practice is not really very common in the R.F.C.), he is a thoroughly sound and conscientious little beggar.

And, making allowances for the fallibility of human inventions, and the fact that two other young gentlemen were also engaged in the congenial task of making structural alterations to the railway station at , Toddles comes out of the affair with an untarnished reputation.

Whether it was that his more fastidious taste in architecture detained him I do not know, but it was fully ten minutes after the others had landed before we who were watching on the aerodrome became aware that Toddles was coming home to roost.

The usual signals were exchanged, and Toddles finished up a graceful descent by making violent contact with the ground, bouncing seven times and knocking over two flares before finally coming to rest.

"Bust the V strut," said Toddles cheerfully.

"Bong," said Toddles, beaming; "absolutely bong.

" "Did you see your pills burst?" Toddles beamed more emphatically than ever.

" So far Toddles' account agreed very fairly with the two we already had.

" "Well," answered Toddles, "it did stick a bit, but I just yanked it over and it worked.

" "Look here," replied Toddles with warmth, "who the devil are you getting at?" "Nothing; oh, nothing at all.

"Erahhum," said Toddles.

Women hurry to put on their best bonnets; the sexton toddles up with the church key in his hand, and the ringers at his heels; the Coastguard Lieutenant bustles down to the Manby's mortar, which he has hauled out in readiness on the pebbles.

When they returned they were followed by the two spotted sailors whom they introduced to the children as Toddles and Towser.

Toddles and Towser were still very sleepy.

"Paw away!" cried Prowler, grinning widely as he fixed his round yellow eyes on a small covered dish that Toddles had just set before him.

"But there's land close ahead, as sure as sure can be, and, if I'm not much mistaken, Toddles and Towser have both gone to sleep at the wheel.

As for Toddles and Towser they refused to wake at all.

Among all the familiar faces were some they had almost forgotten but were not sorry to see again: the Lady Goose, waving her spoon; the Gentleman Goose, and Squealer and Squawker, his two little duck apprentices; the cheerful grinning countenances of Prowler and Growler, the mates, with Toddles and Towser the common sea-cats.

After the mother has dressed her boy (who may be about three or four years old) in the morning, he is at once turned out of doors to take care of himself, and if, as is often the case, the cottage is within a short distance of the farmyard, thither he toddles directly.

174 examples of  toddles  in sentences