Do we say toile or tulle

toile 32 occurrences

Veste et culotte de toile blanche.

So much the more the toile to fetch them in.

XI. Dayly when I do seeke and sew for peace, And hostages doe offer for ray truth, She, cruell warriour, doth her selfe addresse To battell, and the weary war renew'th; Ne wilbe moov'd, with reason or with rewth*, To graunt small respit to my restlesse toile; But greedily her fell intent poursewth, Of my poore life to make unpittied spoile.

And when I venture at the Comick stile Thy Scornfull Lady seemes to mock my toile: Thus has thy Muse, at once, improv'd and marr'd Our Sport in Playes, by rendring it too hard.

A calm, such as she had never known, took possession of her,a sudden light seemed to envelop her,she heard the mystical sentence vouchsafed to Saint Augustin: "Toile, lege!"

Un jour, le roi étant arrivé au théâtre un peu plus tôt qu'à l'ordinaire, et s'impatientant de ce qu'on ne levait pas la toile, envoya un de ses officiers pour savoir quelle était

RECETTE CONTRE LE FROID Dans l'année du grand hiver qu'il gelait à pierre fendre, le roi Henri IV, passant en carrosse sur le Pont-Neuf à Paris, le nez dans son manteau de fourrure, vit un jeune Gascon se promenant gaiement avec un pourpoint de toile découpé au cou, et un petit manteau ouvert, comme si l'on eût été au coeur de l'été.

LA VARENDE, ERIC DE. L'homme aux gants de toile.

LA VARENDE, JEAN DE. L'homme aux gants de toile.

LA VARENDE, ERIC DE. L'homme aux gants de toile.

LA VARENDE, JEAN DE. L'homme aux gants de toile.

En Français on appeloit glaçon une sorte de toile fine qui sans doute étoit glacée.

Je soupçonne que le glaçon Allemand étoit une espèce de cotte d'armes faite de plusieurs doubles de toile piquée, comme nos gambisons.

I come not To lay claime to your birthright, 'tis your owne, And 'tis fit you enjoy it, nor ask I from you Your learning and deepe knowledge; (though I am not A Schollar as you are) I know them Diamonds By your sole industry, patience and labour Forc'd from steepe rocks, and with much toile attended,

* Quand il marchait, fumant, grondant, couvert de toile, Il jetait un

Caïn dit à Jabel, père de ceux qui vont Sous des tentes de poil dans le désert profond: Étends de ce côté la toile de la tente.

A tous ces gouffres d'ombre ne luit nulle étoile, Ils n'ont qu'un bout de planche avec un bout de toile!

C'est du métal, du bois, du chanvre et de la toile, C'est de la pesanteur délivrée, et volant; C'est la force alliée à l'homme étincelant, Fière, arrachant l'argile à sa chaîne éternelle; C'est la matière, heureuse, altière, ayant en elle De l'ouragan humain, et planant à travers L'immense étonnement des cieux enfin ouverts!

Que faut-il à cet être, atome au large front, Pour vaincre ce qui n'a ni fin, ni bord, ni fond, Pour dompter le vent, trombe, et l'écume, avalanche? Dans le ciel une toile et sur mer une planche.

figure une mare couverte d'araignées d'eau.' (Alpes et Pyrénées.) 'Nous estimons une araignée chose hideuse et nous sommes ravis de retrouver sa toile en rosace sur les façades des cathédrales, et son corps et ses pattes en clef de voûte dans les chapelles.'

And of Ignatius Loyola, Sombre araignée à qui Dieu, pour tisser sa toile, Donnait des fils d'aurore et des rayons d'étoile.

Compare also: La toile d'araignée horrible de Satan.

Mine is that restlesse toile.

Northern France, the home of epic poetry, also possessed an indigenous lyric poetry, including spring and dance songs, pastorals, romances, and "chansons de toile."

"C'est un homme," says Voltaire, "qui passe sa vie à peser des riens dans des balances de toile d'araignée" ... or again: "C'est un homme qui sait tous les sentiers du coeur humain, mais qui n'en connaît pas la grande route."

tulle 69 occurrences

The wedding-dress is classic, a simple, very long dress of white satin, and generally a tulle veil over the face.

The fog from East River was blowing in grandly as she ran into its tulle.

Mamma, did you remember to order the tulle for our wings?

And though she was back in an elder day, she glowed young as she talked, whether recalling official solemnities or a once-cherished gown of embroidered tulle, caught up with bunches of grapes.

The attendants here were Japanese girls in native costume, and the long table was laid with a lace cloth over pink satin, with butterfly bows of pink tulle.

She wears a tulle cap, under which hangs awry a front of false hair; her gaping slippers flop as she walks across the room.

Everybody seemed to be in their best clothes, and most of the women had flowers and tulle or little black feathers sticking up in their hair, and bare red arms, and skirts inches off the ground in front; you know the look.

I am longing to put on my white tulle, and I do feel excited.

First my white tulle was a dream.

My white chiffon is as pretty as the tulle, and Octavia was quite pleased with me.

In honour of her master's guest, she had put on her black dress of Associate and her silver medal; and on her head she wore coquettishly an embroidered cap, trimmed with tulle of dazzling whiteness.

Miss Puckers had disposed about her person as much ribbon, tulle, and cheap jewelry as might have fitted out a fancy fair.

On each side of the red cheeks other braids were looped over the ears hung with broad earrings of filigree set with rough pearls and emeralds, or gold loops and pendants of coral, and an unexpected tulle ruff, like that of a Watteau shepherdess, framed the round chin above a torrent of necklaces, necklaces of amber, coral, baroque pearls, hung with mysterious barbaric amulets and fetiches.

But that thing she had on now, for instance;a tunic of ecru colored silk that she had pulled on over her head, with a little over-dress of corn colored tulle, weighted artfully here and there that it mightn't fly away.

" She reached up her strong white arms (the tulle sleeves did fall away from them rather alarmingly, and Miss Wollaston concentrated her attention on the spiggot of the coffee urn) for his head as he bent over her and pulled it down for a kiss.

And at night, when she came from the balls, tired, tired to death as only balls can render one, she would throw herself down upon her bed in her tulle skirts,on top, or not, of the exquisite flowers, she did not care,and make her maid undress her in that position; often having her bodices cut off her, because she was too tired to turn over and have them unlaced.

Yes, one could see her, in that time-honored thin silk dress of hers stiffened into brocade by buckram underneath; the high, low-necked waist, hiding any evidences of breast, if there were such evidences to hide, and bringing the long neck into such faulty prominence; and the sleeves, crisp puffs of tulle divided by bands of red velvet, through which the poor lean arm runs like a wire, stringing them together like beads.

Not the customary conservative but monotonous upholstered affair of jet and lace, but a handful of pink roses in a tulle nest, held on by wisps of tulle instead of ribbons.

Not the customary conservative but monotonous upholstered affair of jet and lace, but a handful of pink roses in a tulle nest, held on by wisps of tulle instead of ribbons.

What could it feel like, I wonder, to have on a white tulle dress and to dance all the evening.

I shall be able to hide the mark by bodices brimmed with flowers and lace and tulle, and a thousand other delightful things that are worn, without being required; it may even look pretty.

In the centre of the window, on a raised background of silver paper, was displayed a wreath of orange-blossom veiled with tulle.

Then catching sight of Emily's brooch, in which was a portrait of her child, little Nancy put the wide tulle cap-strings aside, and looked at it earnestly.

" TULLE (15), a town of France, capital of the dep.

Ladies who dance should wear dresses of light and diaphanous materials, such as tulle, gauze, crape, net, &c., over coloured silk slips.

Do we say   toile   or  tulle