36 examples of tono in sentences

Tono Bungay Wharton, Edith:

It was never sung tono one ever told to it a tale of the nursery.

Porque antes de terminar la senda, me dijo con el tono más natural del mundo, tendríais que costear el precipicio á que cayó la maldita bruja que le da su nombre, y en el cual se cuenta que anda penando el alma que, después de dejar el cuerpo, ni Dios ni el diablo han querido para suya.

añadió el montero en tono de zumba: es el caso, que sin haber nacido en Viernes

Una vez el zagal repuesto de su turbación, le dirigió de nuevo la palabra don Dionís, y con el tono más serio del mundo, y fingiendo un extraordinario interés por conocer los detalles del suceso á que su montero se había referido, le hizo una multitud de preguntas, á las que Esteban comenzó á contestar de una manera evasiva, como deseando evitar explicaciones sobre el asunto.

los ojos don Dionís y algunos de los monteros que le rodeaban, la hermosa niña se apresuró á esconderlos, exclamando con el tono más natural del mundo: ¡

pero deseando apurar su paciencia hasta lo último, tornó á decir en el mismo tono: ¿Y si al dispararla te saluda con alguna risa del género de la que oyó Esteban, ó se te ríe en la nariz, y al escuchar sus sobrenaturales carcajadas se te cae

¡Capitán! exclamó en aquel punto uno de sus camaradas en tono de zumba, cuidado con lo que hacéis....

tono, m., tone; de buen , fashionable. tonto, -a, stupid, foolish.

Tono always came running down the walk, wagging his tail and giving his little barks of joy when I came.

For Tono was all I had.

"And thendown at a house in the next block I saw my fatherand the man he had given Tono to.

Tono stood there watching me.

'Send me there if you want to,' I'd say to myself on my knees, 'Tono's not in Hell, anyway.'

"I was fifteen when Ifreed Tono from life," she emerged from it.

I had to be treated worse than Tono was treated before it came to me that I had better be as kind to myself as I had been to my dog.

"You see ever since Tono had diedtwo years before, I had kept that idea that things were hard.

It was the same feeling of its having to be that I had about Tono.

Sure, if 'tis your will that I should go tono matter who, for there's no use in naming his namemight I not as well make up my mind to go there, alive and well, stout and hearty, and able to face him,as with my head knocked into bits, as if I had been after a fair or a patthern?" "You say right," said St. Patrick, checking with a motion of his crozier the advancing assailants, who returned to their seats.

Some grammatists, being predetermined that no preposition shall control the infinitive, avoid the conclusion by absurdly calling FOR, a conjunction; ABOUT, an adverb; and TOno matter whatbut generally, nothing.

Many times a strain of angelic meaning and sweetness was yoked to a silly effigy of words; but he rejoiced in opposite examples, such as that little lullaby of Tennyson's, Sweet and Low, which J. Barnby seemed to have exactly tono-graphed....

Tono Antonio, by Ruth Sawyer.

Tono Antonio, by Ruth Sawyer.

I tried not tono one could be more keenly alive to the arrant absurdity of the histrionic bearing.


36 examples of  tono  in sentences