39 examples of took a bite in sentences

The canteen is open every hour of the twenty-four, and the women conductors at the end of each run usually take a bite, and then have a substantial meal during the long break of an hour and a half in the middle of the ten-hour day.

I thought of trying this out and though I felt nauseated the first time I took a bite.

Becky took a bite out of a slice of bread, and munching it slowly, said, "I tole yer once 't was 'bout May-day and flowers and queens and baskets.

Who ever heard of such a thing?" "Me got two muvvers," said the child, calmly, as she took a bite first of the chocolate in her left hand, and then a nibble from the one in the right.

They play, and then they take a bite, and so they pass the time.

Jack took a bite of his loaf, and offered me the rest, saying he had no stomach for food; but I could not eat my own, and so we thrust the bread in our breeches pockets and set to work, heaving everything overboard that might lighten us, and for ever a-straining our eyes to sight a ship.

I waited so long I got hungry, and concluded I'd take a bite of the bread and meat mother'd put up.

"We're going into camp to take a bite.

Quicker than a wink Muskwa took a bite.

" Amber took a bite of bread.

He took a bite of his fried egg sandwich and thought about the first people and the view from Mead's Meadow.

He took a bite of bacon.

"That will taste very nice," said he; "but, before I take a bite, I will just finish this waistcoat."

That is the Asiatic apple and it was one of those apples that Mrs. Adam took a bite at" "Then I excuse her!" said Madame Caterna, munching away at one of these delicious peaches.

Big White Bobby stuck his nose and mouth to take a bite of his bread.

As soon as the little princess took a bite it stuck in her throat and choked her.

CRAMER-TOBIAS-MEYER, INC. Take a bite with Snow White.

Somai saw how they dealt with their other victims: they tied them hand and foot and threw them alive into a pot of boiling oil and when they were cooked they hung the bodies up in the doorway and would take a bite as they passed in and out; the liver and heart and brains they cooked separately.

"Has Roger had one?" Sigbert signed in the affirmative, and Mabel took a bite of the luscious fruit with a gasp of pleasure, yet paused once more to hold the remainder to her nurse.

"What are you here for?" "Why shouldn't I be here, if I am all right here?" Klausoff drained his glass and took a bite of ham.

He cut off an apple, and was about to take a bite, when an old Witch sprang out of a hollow tree across the road.

What news?' says I. 'Why,' says he, 'me an' my missus be going into the House this afternooncan't manage to pull along by ourselves any more,' he says; 'an' we wants you an' your father to drop in soon after noon an' take a bite wi' us, for old times' sake.

The crowd parted and he advanced to the door; laid his slice of bread and jam upon the threshold; searched in his fob pocket for the key; produced it; turned it in the lock; picked up his bread and jam again; opened the door; took a bite; and plunged into the choking clouds that immediately enveloped his person.

People took a bite when they could, or went without.

With every splash Piggy said, "How's that, Jim?" or "Take a bite o' this," or "Want a drink?"

39 examples of  took a bite  in sentences