1131 examples of tooth in sentences

The following April Broken Tooth's mate had four little baby beavers, and each of the other mothers in the colony increased the population by two or three or four.

Broken Tooth himself selected a big birch that leaned over the stream, and began the work of cutting through the ten-inch butt with his three long teeth.

Though the old patriarch had lost one tooth, the three that remained had not deteriorated with age.

Their task seemed tremendous, and yet Broken Tooth's engineers could carry a ton of this mud and twig mixture during a day and night.

A few weeks before Kazan had looked upon a similar scene when he had returned into the north from Broken Tooth's old home.

In another moment the thick heavy body of the beaver had slipped like oil from under Kazan and Broken Tooth was safe in his element, two holes bitten clean through his fleshy tail.

He raved along the edge of the pond, snarling at the uneasy water under which Broken Tooth had disappeared.

All this time Broken Tooth did not move.

Broken Tooth had not even struck at him, and slowly it grew upon him that these invading creatures that used both the water and land would have to be hunted as he stalked the rabbit and the partridge.

Ceaselessly he watched his opportunity to leap upon incautious members of Broken Tooth's tribe.

Broken Tooth and the older workmen made for the dam, and with a snarling cry the otter plunged down among them and out like a flash for the creek above the pond.

The water had receded to a half of its greatest width before Broken Tooth and his workmen discovered the breach in the wall of the dam.

Broken Tooth and his courageous engineers had at last repaired the breach, and the water in the pond began to rise.

But that strange and unseen arbiter of the forests called O-ee-ki, "the Spirit," by those who speak the wild tongue, looked down at last with mercy upon Broken Tooth and his death-stricken tribe.

With the otter gone Broken Tooth and his tribe held the winning hand.

he has fastened his tooth, which is none of the bluntest, just in the fleshy part of my leg.

She shall pay hair for hair, tooth for tooth, head for head.

She shall pay hair for hair, tooth for tooth, head for head.

He has just cut another tooth.

With a faire border wrought of sundrie flowres, Enwoven with an yviewinding trayle: A goodly worke, full fit for kingly bowres, 300 Such as Dame Pallas, such as Envie pale, That al good things with venemous tooth devowres, Could not accuse.

You may as soon wrest a tooth from him as a paper, and whatsoever he reads is letters.

Pat came to the office with his jaw very much swollen from a tooth he desired to have pulled.

The dentist quietly told his office boy to prick his patient with a pin, and when Pat opened his mouth to yell the dentist seized the tooth, and out it came.

"Well, then, I want ye to see what's the matter wid me tooth.

Look; this box contains ornaments of the elephant's tooth, cut by a cunning artificer in the far Eastern lands; they do not disfigure a lady's dressing-table, and have a moral, for they remind her of countries where the sex is less happy than at home.

1131 examples of  tooth  in sentences