2438 examples of tormented in sentences

It would have been a comfort, now, to have loved her in return while she lived, and to have trusted in her love then, instead of having been tormented by the belief that she was as false as her mother had been.

Sienkiewicz searching always and continually for a tranquil harbor from the storms of conscience and investigation of the tormented mind, finds such a harbor in the religious sentiments, in lively Christian faith.

In that cry the asphyxiated not only in old times but in our days also find refreshment; the tormented by doubt, peace.

To-day the suffocated need some pure air, the doubting ones some hope, tormented by uneasiness, some quietude, therefore they are doing well when they turn therefrom where the hope and peace flow, there where they bless them and where they say to them as to Lazarus:

Prince (rushing in).She has tormented me until now.

Who tormented you? Prince.

"They tell me," he said, "when they try to prove the reasonableness of hell, that unless you show sinners how they're goin' to be tormented, they'd never repent.

must I be followed and tormented even in my last moments?

The Achaeans, tormented by their dwarfish thirst for aggrandizement, would not relax their hold on the town of Pleuron in Aetolia which they had occupied during the war, but on the contrary made it an involuntary member of their confederacy; they bought Zacynthus from Amynander the lieutenant of the last possessor, and would gladly have acquired Aegina also.

But for two days he was firm in his tacit refusal to listen to my story; and, concluding that he was disinclined to undergo the agony of unrest with which he was always tormented by any mystery which momentarily baffled him, I was, of course, forced to hold my peace.

I came to your door three times to listen, tormented by the idea that you were suffering.

Prosper as well as any thieves may; but Dawson greatly tormented.

These accidents threw us both into a very grave humour, and especially I was tormented with the reflection that a forgery could be proved against me, if things came to the worst.

Whether to believe those people, or whether to laugh at their predictions; whether to tell my wife, or whether to continue silent,these questions tormented me through many wakeful nights and dreary days.

Beneath them kneeling on his knee, A superstitious man you see: He fasts, prays, on his Idol fixt, Tormented hope and fear betwixt:

Their witty works are admired here on earth, whilst their souls are tormented in hell fire.

[330]One is crowned for that which another is tormented: Ille crucem sceleris precium tulit, hic diadema; made a knight, a lord, an earl, a great duke, (as Agrippa notes) for that which another should have hung in gibbets, as a terror to the rest, "et tamen alter, Si fecisset idem, caderet sub judice morum.

As, put case it be fornication, the father will disinherit or abdicate his child, quite cashier him (out, villain, be gone, come no more in my sight); a poor man is miserably tormented with loss of his estate perhaps, goods, fortunes, good name, for ever disgraced, forsaken, and must do penance to the utmost; a mortal sin, and yet make the worst of it, nunquid aliud fecit, saith Tranio in the poet, nisi quod faciunt summis nati generibus?

is mankind generally tormented with epidemical maladies?

Zeno, Cato, Socrates himself, whom Aelian so highly commends for a moderate temper, that "nothing could disturb him, but going out, and coming in, still Socrates kept the same serenity of countenance, what misery soever befell him," (if we may believe Plato his disciple) was much tormented with it.

" Demetrius in Plutarch, when he fell into Seleucus's hands, and was prisoner in Syria, [4306]"spent his time with dice and drink that he might so ease his discontented mind, and avoid those continual cogitations of his present condition wherewith he was tormented."

for a hypochondriacal person, that was extremely tormented with wind, prescribes a strange remedy.

For some such cause belike Homer feigns Titius' liver (who was enamoured of Latona) to be still gnawed by two vultures day and night in hell, "for that young men's bowels thus enamoured, are so continually tormented by love."

She would have ground them in a mortar with the same cold satisfaction that she felt when she tormented hearts or teased insects because something or somebody had vexed her.

Harassed with fear, and tormented with hunger, I laid down and tried to sleep.

2438 examples of  tormented  in sentences