8 examples of tortuously in sentences

Breathes there a man so tortuously afflicted with Strabismus that he doesn't see it?

After a third defeat this thread seemed to guide me to daylight from a tortuously winding cavern.

They imparted a frosty sheen to the wavy surface between road and sea and brightened the thoroughfare, which, lengthening tortuously, disappeared beneath in a tangle of forest or underbrush.

retorcer, to twist, wind, turn; refl., to twist, wind, writhe, flow tortuously, roll.

A narrow path, strewn with pine needles, led tortuously up to the door.

Some three hours later he walked briskly along a narrow path strewn with pine needles, which led tortuously up to an old colonial farmhouse.

Would you be good enough to tell us how we are to reach theerchâteau, and why the devil we can't get anybody to move our luggage?" Mr. Bowles, who had lived in Japat for sixteen years, was a tortuously slow Englishman with the curse of the clime still growing upon him.

" "Does he drink?" "Do you?" demanded Perry, twisting himself tortuously round.

8 examples of  tortuously  in sentences