10 examples of torturous in sentences

A sort of dreary thankfulness blossomed feebly in her heart that the torturous day was over.

Even now it was a torturous twilight in the cave, even now she smelled wood-smoke; even now she was like one starting at the noises of the night....

What happened after that, though it lasted seven long and torturous years, is fairly familiar to the American people.

Torturous trek.

Dorothy Faust (W); 27Nov59; R246449. Torturous trek.

Dorothy Faust (W); 3Sep59, R241761. Torturous trek.

Torturous trek.

Dorothy Faust (W); 27Nov59; R246449. Torturous trek.

Dorothy Faust (W); 3Sep59, R241761. Torturous trek.

The first reaches of the inlet promised well, having a depth of from 1 1/2 to 3 fathoms, and a width of from two to three hundred yards; but it ultimately became much narrower, and so torturous that, after following its windings for twenty-seven miles, we had only advanced eight miles in a South 60 degrees East direction from the entrance.

10 examples of  torturous  in sentences